Ancient Runes 201 Notebook
written by Charlie Conner
My notes from Ancient Runes 201 - Information from class written by Headmistress Oshiro and Professor Wessex. I will occasional include information from my own independent study of the Elder Futhark, but will note this when relevant
Last Updated
Week 4 - Freya's Aett
Chapter 4
~Aett (plural Aettir) - set of runes; derived from clan/family
-Each associated with a specific deity - name is first rune of set
~merkstave - dark stick
-in Divination - position/orientation of rune - opposite of standard form - either
upside down or rotated 90 deg.
-represents opposite or negative meaning
- not all runes have one
~standard/upright - regular form of the rune
*Freya's Aett
~First family of runes
~Runes in this group symbolic of nurturing and concrete matters of daily life
~Essential components of life for Nordic people
~In magic - added to spells, enhance/assist effects
*Pictures of the runes are included in the lesson, but I have seen no practical way to put them in this notebook, so the ever constant reminder that there are actual pictures of the run missing*
~Muggle meaning - wealth/cattle
-# of cattle representative of your wealth
~can mean richness/gain
~Schreiber's corrections - fortune: material and other
~Merkstave - opposite - loss; negative forces of wealth - greed and poverty
~Magical Uses - stabilizer; reduce backfire/side effects; offers added
~Muggle meaning - confused - depends on language you are coming from
-English - aurochs: type of cattle; water
~Schreiber's correction - Bravery; strength; Graphorn: 2 in Arithmancy
~Merkstave - slowness, dullness, cowardice
~Magical Uses - enhance effects of spell; needs extra protections because of stronger spell
-Law of Unintended Consequences - every action has some unintended/unforeseen reaction - be sure to be cautious in magic
~Assocaited with Jotun - magic and muggle worlds
~magical uses - change, constructive conflict, defense - context of human-
giant relations in Norse mythology are rocky at best
~Merkstave - unbridled destruction and danger; unresolved conflict
~ Used in merkstave to bolster defensive spells, decrease destruction by
offensive spellwork - needs lots of concentration of keep spell and rune in
-Used in Battle of Hogwarts
~Muggle meaning - Aesir: god in Norse myth
~Schreiber correction - Nordic Magi; Higher powers - communication with
them; advice/communication - wisdom
~magical uses - divination, communicative devices
~Merkstave - delusion/misunderstanding; conjunction with
memory/befuddlement charms
- can break the mind of a muggle - illegal by Ministry of Magic
~to ride, journey - both physical and not; positive changes
~Magical uses - magical transportation
~Merkstave - chaos/stagnancy
~Disease - muggle and magical
~divination meaning - torch
~magical uses - have to do with disease
-merkstave - promote vigour, wellness, creativity
-upright - illness, weakness, confusion
-mostly used in potions
~muggle meaning - gift
~schreiber correction - meaning open ended
- gift coudl be sacrifice, companionship, generosity
~merkstave - dark side: greed, loneliness, selfishness
-doesn't look different, go on context
~not suggested for magical work
~merkstave - sorrow, anger, delirium, debilitating mania
~magical uses - enhance emotional spells - patronus charm
-Each associated with a specific deity - name is first rune of set
~merkstave - dark stick
-in Divination - position/orientation of rune - opposite of standard form - either
upside down or rotated 90 deg.
-represents opposite or negative meaning
- not all runes have one
~standard/upright - regular form of the rune
*Freya's Aett
~First family of runes
~Runes in this group symbolic of nurturing and concrete matters of daily life
~Essential components of life for Nordic people
~In magic - added to spells, enhance/assist effects
*Pictures of the runes are included in the lesson, but I have seen no practical way to put them in this notebook, so the ever constant reminder that there are actual pictures of the run missing*
~Muggle meaning - wealth/cattle
-# of cattle representative of your wealth
~can mean richness/gain
~Schreiber's corrections - fortune: material and other
~Merkstave - opposite - loss; negative forces of wealth - greed and poverty
~Magical Uses - stabilizer; reduce backfire/side effects; offers added
~Muggle meaning - confused - depends on language you are coming from
-English - aurochs: type of cattle; water
~Schreiber's correction - Bravery; strength; Graphorn: 2 in Arithmancy
~Merkstave - slowness, dullness, cowardice
~Magical Uses - enhance effects of spell; needs extra protections because of stronger spell
-Law of Unintended Consequences - every action has some unintended/unforeseen reaction - be sure to be cautious in magic
~Assocaited with Jotun - magic and muggle worlds
~magical uses - change, constructive conflict, defense - context of human-
giant relations in Norse mythology are rocky at best
~Merkstave - unbridled destruction and danger; unresolved conflict
~ Used in merkstave to bolster defensive spells, decrease destruction by
offensive spellwork - needs lots of concentration of keep spell and rune in
-Used in Battle of Hogwarts
~Muggle meaning - Aesir: god in Norse myth
~Schreiber correction - Nordic Magi; Higher powers - communication with
them; advice/communication - wisdom
~magical uses - divination, communicative devices
~Merkstave - delusion/misunderstanding; conjunction with
memory/befuddlement charms
- can break the mind of a muggle - illegal by Ministry of Magic
~to ride, journey - both physical and not; positive changes
~Magical uses - magical transportation
~Merkstave - chaos/stagnancy
~Disease - muggle and magical
~divination meaning - torch
~magical uses - have to do with disease
-merkstave - promote vigour, wellness, creativity
-upright - illness, weakness, confusion
-mostly used in potions
~muggle meaning - gift
~schreiber correction - meaning open ended
- gift coudl be sacrifice, companionship, generosity
~merkstave - dark side: greed, loneliness, selfishness
-doesn't look different, go on context
~not suggested for magical work
~merkstave - sorrow, anger, delirium, debilitating mania
~magical uses - enhance emotional spells - patronus charm