Gallivanting with Ghouls
Ghoul Studies course Extra-reading book (by Professor Dalloway and Professor Fairclough)
Last Updated
Angélique de Beauffort
Chapter 2
Angélique de Beauffort (Brussels, 19th September 1941), a renowned magical Historian and writer with Belgian nobility origins, presented in 1973, one of the most outstanding written works about Ghouls, Approfondir les Origines (transl. Deepen Origins). Approfondir les Origines was the result of many years of study and research about the origins of Ghouls in the Aosta Valley - where Beauffort developed an extensive magiarchaeological site in 1969. In this work, Beauffort advocated that Ghouls have evolved from a common ancestor to humans (or Homo sapiens), dating back to approximately 200,000 years ago. Beauffort’s studies and theories have not yet been contradicted and the most recent evidences keep pointing us in the same direction, which means that more solid arguments are strengthening the fact that Ghouls are indeed Homo gul akeer descendants.
Beauffort was the first to advocate that the Akeer were the only Homo species where the entire species possessed magical talent, as opposed to modern humans where magical talent is intertwined in the species that also includes non-magical folk.