DELTORA: A History Of Dragons
written by Savannah Quinn Malfoy
Do we really know all about Dragons? Transfiguration and Magical Creature Experte classes teach you very little about dragons, of course except that there dangerous. But, our we sure that this is true? In the land of Deltora, there are many types and kinds of dragons. See what lies beneath the surface of Dragons and Dragon history. Learn Dragon trade, Dragon riding, Dragon training, Dragon language, and much more.
Last Updated
The Dragon that Wept
Chapter 2
When people discovered these creatures so called Dragons, it did not go swell. One of the early Ministers thought that these dragons could not be a pet, but nearly a weapon. Dragons intentions are not to kill or feast, but rather give their people knowledge, and that there is so much more to be discovered. The minister yelled people that this was a flat out lie. But in his own time he followed a dragon recipe, but added something, something pure evil. As you can guess, bad dragons come, destroy everything, and then people get upset and force the dragons to go to Deltora, there they created a portal, where only people can go through. Outside of Deltora, People wept in the loss of their brotheren. So they locked up the remaining dragons and carried on with their worthless lives. I only say this because if they kept the dragons, and thrived with them, they would've been the worlds greatest keepers. While inside Deltora, the people thrived with knowledge and were the masters of the keys, and all eternity.