Ancient Runes I - Hogwarts Standard Textbook
written by +Bertrand Macnair+
Welcome to Ancient Runes! This book will guide you through basic and helps you as supplementary readings for ACR201 and ACR301. This book is unofficial and used for self-study and references only.
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The Second AEtt
Chapter 4
The Second Aett
Ragnarok is the Norse version of "Judgement Day", when it is foretold that the legendary Fenris wolf will devour the sun and plunge the world into darkness. Our world and the world of the gods will both be destroyed by uncontrollable forces, and a vast process of universal rebirth will begin.
In a vastly smaller form, the destruction of Ragnarok is the kind of destruction one sees in the rune Hagalaz -- a destruction that is necessary in order to bring about rebirth of a new world, or a new phase of one's life.
How to Interpret "Hagalaz"
The appearance of Hagalaz is often an indication that we must let go of the past. Only through the destruction of certain psychological aspects, emotional blocks, and ties to the past can we move forward. While Hagalaz represents destruction, it also represents rebirth. That which currently exists may need to be destroyed in order for positive change to occur. Frequently it is a fear of destruction and loss which prevents future growth.
Hagalaz may also indicate that a temporary setback or obstacle has arisen -- one which the individual will necessarily get over very quickly. Disappointment may also be indicated here, and a realization that the path that one has set out on is not the path that one is meant to be on. Hagalaz reminds us that such disappointment is a necessary first-step in achieving change. A need to refocus and retask one's energies.
While the main lesson of this rune is positive, it must be cautioned that a setback will happen for a reason, and it is important not to let history repeat itself. An opportunity will come in which one can better oneself. It may be painful, but ultimately it will prove beneficial.
Other possible literal meanings of Hagalaz in a reading include bad weather, or emotional outbursts.
Inverted Meaning::
Hagalaz cannot be inverted.
A vast canyon or icy crevasse exists between one's current position and the position or goal that is desired. One 'needs' to cross this great distance, but how? Passage across this chasm must be secured or a shortage may become worse. A 'need' or 'shortfall' is indicated here in all its forms:
Nauthiz is the worker who has done a particular trade for years and finds themselves laid off, their trade obsolete. Nauthiz is the harvest which falls short, unable to provide. Nauthiz is a yearning of the soul which is currently unfulfilled. Nauthiz is a sudden demand which overwhelms one's stores and savings.
Nauthiz indicates a time to retrain, relearn and plan effectively in order to get what is wanted from a particular situation.
Nauthiz is a rune of 'wanting', and it is generally a negative rune since it describes a 'lack' of something. If the reader believes the need referenced by Nauthiz is a constant need, then one's needs should be reevaluated. If the need referenced by this rune is temporary in nature, it may be necessary to take steps to fill it. In general, the rune Nauthiz represents a gap between that which one requires and the capacity that one has to fulfill that requirement.
How to Interpret "Nauthiz"
Something is desired or lacking by the querent. Without fulfilling this need, forward motion will be difficult and unpleasant.
Material need or sometimes impoverishment, whether real or imagined may also be described here. The exact meaning of such impoverishment may be different for different people; for one person, poverty may mean one car in the family instead of two. For another, it may mean no food for a week.
Whatever the definition, the result is the same: a degradation of life-quality through a shortage of something. Rectifying this situation will requires either diligence and intelligence in order to improve the situation. A managing of one's desires may also be called for.
An alternate meaning of Nauthiz is a purely spiritual yearning for some greater level of enlightenment: a need created by spiritual impoverishment or a withering of the soul. In some cases Nauthiz represents a semi-permanent state of spiritual disatisfaction, or one who is eternally disatisfied despite material and emotional plenty.
It should be noted that while many see Nauthiz as a negative rune, depicting a shortage or a lack of something -- others see Nauthiz as a positive challenge -- a test that must be overcome to achieve the object of one's desire.
Inverted Meaning::
There are those who believe that Nauthiz cannot be reversed -- and others who say that it can. With this particular rune, this decision must be made by the reader based upon the nature of the reading. A possible Inverted Meaning: is as follows: The shortage is at it's worst and the only way from here is up -- bear this in mind during the coming struggles. Strong character is forged through difficult situations like this -- and fortunes made. Some of the most successful and enduring people achieved greatness because they underwent extreme hardships at some point in their lives.
This rune is one of the simplest of all. Where Kenaz was fire, Isa represents the stillness and purity of ice. The elements of 'fire' and 'ice' are two of the most dominant in Norse mythology. The Norse creation myth had the universe created out of the mating of these two materials.
Ice represents the ultimate stillness: A blanket of frozen immobility which seals the land, restricts travel and covers all that is life-giving and fertile. Under it's beautiful and concealing silence the rich earth below is nurtured and prepared for new energy and life.
Ice is representative of the feminine principle in Norse philosophy -- a stillness of contemplation and a preparation for new life: new hope and rebirth. This is the Yang to the Yin of firey Kenaz. Without ice and winter to moisten the fields, the farming and harvest would be impossible. Where Kenaz is fire and agression, Isa is meditative, still and ultimately a creative force.
How to Interpret "Isa"
A time of rest before action. A period of meditation and recharging before action is continued. It may be necessary to stop, take measure and look around in order to further assess a situation, rather to charge forward without direction. When the ice thaws it will retreat from the land and one's direction will become clear.
A time of fertile creation lies ahead. While the pace of forward movement may seem slow and inhibited at this time, the seeds of rebirth are active beneath the surface. The outward appearance of purity and stillness mask an explosion of fertility which lies ready in wait. All things will come in good time, and for now Isa reminds us that we must wait. The long winter is upon us now, but the cycle of seasons moves ever forward.
Also a path of reflection and meditation. Inner calmness must be maintained at this time in order for deeper reflection to occur.
Inverted Meaning::
Isa cannot be inverted.
Two scythes sweep in great arcs across endless fields of wheat, rye and flax. The harvest has arrived, and with it a time of plenty and bounty. The long hard winter has been endured, the hard work of tilling and planting has long since been completed, and now comes the time to reap the rewards for prior hardships. Life giving sustenance rises from the Earth. Jera is an indication of plenty.
Because the rune refers to the harvest, it also indicates a time of subtle change. The endless roll of seasons is referenced here, and the need to remember that leaner times may be on the horizon.
How to Interpret "Jera"
Jera represents "change" -- most frequently positive change. This change is not the temporary reward of Wunjo, but a permanent reward after hardship, or series of hardships. Hard work is going to be rewarded. Retirement, a sabbatical, or a vacation may be referenced here. Everything is happening as it should happen, and the time is coming to enjoy it.
Jera may also represent that little extra push that one needs to finish a job -- that final motivation that sees a job through to its successful conclusion.
As with a successful harvest, Jera is a rune of material gain. It should be noted that Jera is a complementary rune to Gebo: if both runes turn up together, certain happiness in both relationships and money will occur.
Jera is often seen as a forward-looking rune which refers to an eventual positive resolution which will occur at some time in the future: Often this pertains to legal resolutions.
Other possible literal meanings of Jera in a reading are a large, well-attended meal or outdoor festivities.
Inverted Meaning::
Jera cannot be inverted.
The verdent Yew tree stands tall in a snowy field. All around it is the still lifelessness of winter, yet the Yew remains supple and strong. Yews are hardy trees which stay green even in winter. Their red berries signify life in the harshest of environments -- a steadfast refusal to succumb to the opposition and hardship of the cold. Yew trees have been linked to runes, the occult, and rites of passage in Europe since ancient Germanic times. In Christianity, yew trees are often linked to immortality -- and are often planted in church yards expressly to signify this.
Historically, the wood of the yew tree also made the best bows, at one time a vital and sophisticated instrument of war -- used to kill the enemy at long range before they could draw close.
How to Interpret "Eihwaz "
A major and necessary life change may be about to take place; either the onset of adulthood, going away to college, marriage, retirement or a change in profession. This change may seem full of uncertainty when it is first introduced, but it will become clear very quickly that such change is necessary.
A significant confrontation with one's inner fears and innermost insecurities may be at hand. While 'change' is a constant process, the appearance of Eihwaz indicates an increase in the speed and intensity of change.
Change comes in many forms: mental, spiritual and physical. It is important to keep one's focus clear throughout the process: some change should be accepted as it is necessary and just. Other change may require a steadfast resolve and hardiness -- like the always green yew tree.
Through the trials of 'change' come growth and spiritual expansion. Resolve, flexibility and a focus on the importance of change will see one through the most difficult trials.
Eihwaz may also reference the need to address a problem well in advance, before it becomes serious.
Other possible literal meanings of Eihwaz in a reading are positive health, nature or the season of winter.
Inverted Meaning::
This cup shape literally means a vessel -- possibly for casting lots. This rune is one of the more controversial among runic scholars, as the "P" sound at the start does not actually appear anywhere else in early Germanic languages. It is commonly thought that the rune's name, which is now lost to antiquity, was altered over the centuries with the development of more modern alphabets.
Perthro represents a vessel, something to be filled and drunk from. There is also significant evidence that the cup referenced by Perthro is a 'dice-cup', of the kind commonly used in games of chance and fate.
How to Interpret "Perthro"
The cup of Perthro represents fertility, mystery, and all things hidden. The hand of fate, through Karma or divine predestination, is showing itself strongly in one's life. While fate is often complex and impossible to understand, this rune indicates a powerful order and purpose behind seemingly random events. Fate is both powerful and unknowable -- a force which we all must ultimately respect and give way to.
Intense forces of change that work behind the scenes are acting on the individual at this time. While these forces may be seen as positive or negative, the appearance of Perthro most commonly suggests positive forces -- unless of course it appears in a spread with a host of negative runes.
It should be noted that while we frequently view change as either "good" or "bad" -- Perthro reminds us that such black-and-white interpretation may represent an oversimplification of fate. The change referenced by Perthro carries with it an infinite amount of complexity and subtlety. To attempt to categorize change in simplistic terms of "positive" or "negative", is to attempt to understand fate itself: something no mortal can do. When analyzing the meaning of Perthro, one should take care to remember that fate exists at a level that we can never truly know until such time that it is upon us. What seems true may prove false, and vice versa. Only fate can tell.
Other possible literal meanings of Perthro in a reading are the act of drinking or games of chance.
Inverted Meaning::
There may be psychological issues present which the individual may need to explore further. This may not represent a readiness to explore hidden mysteries further, but a burning desire that is not accompanied by the wisdom of experience. Tread carefully, missteps are costly here.
The rune of Algiz depicts a person with arms upraised, elk's antlers, or a representation of the Norse God Heimdall who holds his sword in one hand and his horn in the other -- guarding the divine realm of Asgard. In the old Germanic languages, Algiz means "defense" or "protection". "Elhaz", yet another name for this rune, means "elk" and refers to the four elks that feed off of the World Tree of Norse legend, or Yggdrasil.
The rune Algiz was commonly carved into the shields, swords and spears of warriors as a mark of protection and sanctuary from harm.
How to Interpret "Algiz"
As the best defense is often a good offense, this rune symbolizes protection in all of its forms; both offense and defense, proactive and reactive. The appearance of this rune indicates the presence of a threat, and a need to guard against something. Algiz signals that this protection may be expected from an outside source in a conflict that is either forthcoming or is already ongoing.
Algiz also refers to spiritual defenses and the act of drawing upon inner strength to actively protect our emotional well-being and our immediate surroundings. Referenced here is our own internal system of checks and balances that makes up our conscience: The soul reaching to the realm of the divine as an act of spiritual and physical protection.
The more esoteric meanings of this complex rune aside, at its most basic level it symbolizes protection and helpful "brawn". A threat is indicated, but the individual will come to no harm.
Inverted Meaning:
When inverted this rune is called "Ihwar", meaning "yew tree" or "yew bow". The reversed position indicates that the situation may call for more of a defense than originally thought -- one's guard is down, the sword and horn are being held downwards rather than being held up to the sky. Attacks must be anticipated and defenses are down.
Sowilo, or the Sun Rune, symbolizes energy, life and fertility. Warmth, positivity and drive flow from radiant Sowilo. Norse mythology describes the sun as a blazing disc which is pulled across sky in a chariot pulled by a great wolf. One day, it is said, the wolf will stop pulling the chariot and eat the sun on the day of "Ragnarok", the old Norse version of "judgement day".
While Sowilo indicates positive energy and success, Sowilo reminds us of the necessity to move on even after achieving that success. Its action sustains itself and spurs the individual on to greater and more noble pursuits.
How to Interpret "Sowilo "
Success; a more permanent and lifelong success than the harvest time of Jera. Sowilo often refers to a dynamic, strong, steadfast, and charismatic personality. Energy, motivation, goodness, and all positive character attributes are referenced here. A very successful outcome is indicated, perhaps more successful than one had predicted. Sowilo is an extremely fortunate rune and is often considered the best possible rune in a reading.
Sowilo represents an endless source of energy and brilliance: a renewal of hope and achievement. If a project or endeavor is beginning to "drag on", Sowilo indicates a resurgence of positivity and progress.
Sowilo often references health issues and healing. The sun's rays offer vital healing energy, and the appearance of this rune often indicates a positive resolution to a health issue, or a time of successful recovery.
Other possible literal meanings of Sowilo in a reading are: a reference to Summer or bright lights.
Inverted Meaning::
Never with Sowilo
Ragnarok is the Norse version of "Judgement Day", when it is foretold that the legendary Fenris wolf will devour the sun and plunge the world into darkness. Our world and the world of the gods will both be destroyed by uncontrollable forces, and a vast process of universal rebirth will begin.
In a vastly smaller form, the destruction of Ragnarok is the kind of destruction one sees in the rune Hagalaz -- a destruction that is necessary in order to bring about rebirth of a new world, or a new phase of one's life.
How to Interpret "Hagalaz"
The appearance of Hagalaz is often an indication that we must let go of the past. Only through the destruction of certain psychological aspects, emotional blocks, and ties to the past can we move forward. While Hagalaz represents destruction, it also represents rebirth. That which currently exists may need to be destroyed in order for positive change to occur. Frequently it is a fear of destruction and loss which prevents future growth.
Hagalaz may also indicate that a temporary setback or obstacle has arisen -- one which the individual will necessarily get over very quickly. Disappointment may also be indicated here, and a realization that the path that one has set out on is not the path that one is meant to be on. Hagalaz reminds us that such disappointment is a necessary first-step in achieving change. A need to refocus and retask one's energies.
While the main lesson of this rune is positive, it must be cautioned that a setback will happen for a reason, and it is important not to let history repeat itself. An opportunity will come in which one can better oneself. It may be painful, but ultimately it will prove beneficial.
Other possible literal meanings of Hagalaz in a reading include bad weather, or emotional outbursts.
Inverted Meaning::
Hagalaz cannot be inverted.
A vast canyon or icy crevasse exists between one's current position and the position or goal that is desired. One 'needs' to cross this great distance, but how? Passage across this chasm must be secured or a shortage may become worse. A 'need' or 'shortfall' is indicated here in all its forms:
Nauthiz is the worker who has done a particular trade for years and finds themselves laid off, their trade obsolete. Nauthiz is the harvest which falls short, unable to provide. Nauthiz is a yearning of the soul which is currently unfulfilled. Nauthiz is a sudden demand which overwhelms one's stores and savings.
Nauthiz indicates a time to retrain, relearn and plan effectively in order to get what is wanted from a particular situation.
Nauthiz is a rune of 'wanting', and it is generally a negative rune since it describes a 'lack' of something. If the reader believes the need referenced by Nauthiz is a constant need, then one's needs should be reevaluated. If the need referenced by this rune is temporary in nature, it may be necessary to take steps to fill it. In general, the rune Nauthiz represents a gap between that which one requires and the capacity that one has to fulfill that requirement.
How to Interpret "Nauthiz"
Something is desired or lacking by the querent. Without fulfilling this need, forward motion will be difficult and unpleasant.
Material need or sometimes impoverishment, whether real or imagined may also be described here. The exact meaning of such impoverishment may be different for different people; for one person, poverty may mean one car in the family instead of two. For another, it may mean no food for a week.
Whatever the definition, the result is the same: a degradation of life-quality through a shortage of something. Rectifying this situation will requires either diligence and intelligence in order to improve the situation. A managing of one's desires may also be called for.
An alternate meaning of Nauthiz is a purely spiritual yearning for some greater level of enlightenment: a need created by spiritual impoverishment or a withering of the soul. In some cases Nauthiz represents a semi-permanent state of spiritual disatisfaction, or one who is eternally disatisfied despite material and emotional plenty.
It should be noted that while many see Nauthiz as a negative rune, depicting a shortage or a lack of something -- others see Nauthiz as a positive challenge -- a test that must be overcome to achieve the object of one's desire.
Inverted Meaning::
There are those who believe that Nauthiz cannot be reversed -- and others who say that it can. With this particular rune, this decision must be made by the reader based upon the nature of the reading. A possible Inverted Meaning: is as follows: The shortage is at it's worst and the only way from here is up -- bear this in mind during the coming struggles. Strong character is forged through difficult situations like this -- and fortunes made. Some of the most successful and enduring people achieved greatness because they underwent extreme hardships at some point in their lives.
This rune is one of the simplest of all. Where Kenaz was fire, Isa represents the stillness and purity of ice. The elements of 'fire' and 'ice' are two of the most dominant in Norse mythology. The Norse creation myth had the universe created out of the mating of these two materials.
Ice represents the ultimate stillness: A blanket of frozen immobility which seals the land, restricts travel and covers all that is life-giving and fertile. Under it's beautiful and concealing silence the rich earth below is nurtured and prepared for new energy and life.
Ice is representative of the feminine principle in Norse philosophy -- a stillness of contemplation and a preparation for new life: new hope and rebirth. This is the Yang to the Yin of firey Kenaz. Without ice and winter to moisten the fields, the farming and harvest would be impossible. Where Kenaz is fire and agression, Isa is meditative, still and ultimately a creative force.
How to Interpret "Isa"
A time of rest before action. A period of meditation and recharging before action is continued. It may be necessary to stop, take measure and look around in order to further assess a situation, rather to charge forward without direction. When the ice thaws it will retreat from the land and one's direction will become clear.
A time of fertile creation lies ahead. While the pace of forward movement may seem slow and inhibited at this time, the seeds of rebirth are active beneath the surface. The outward appearance of purity and stillness mask an explosion of fertility which lies ready in wait. All things will come in good time, and for now Isa reminds us that we must wait. The long winter is upon us now, but the cycle of seasons moves ever forward.
Also a path of reflection and meditation. Inner calmness must be maintained at this time in order for deeper reflection to occur.
Inverted Meaning::
Isa cannot be inverted.
Two scythes sweep in great arcs across endless fields of wheat, rye and flax. The harvest has arrived, and with it a time of plenty and bounty. The long hard winter has been endured, the hard work of tilling and planting has long since been completed, and now comes the time to reap the rewards for prior hardships. Life giving sustenance rises from the Earth. Jera is an indication of plenty.
Because the rune refers to the harvest, it also indicates a time of subtle change. The endless roll of seasons is referenced here, and the need to remember that leaner times may be on the horizon.
How to Interpret "Jera"
Jera represents "change" -- most frequently positive change. This change is not the temporary reward of Wunjo, but a permanent reward after hardship, or series of hardships. Hard work is going to be rewarded. Retirement, a sabbatical, or a vacation may be referenced here. Everything is happening as it should happen, and the time is coming to enjoy it.
Jera may also represent that little extra push that one needs to finish a job -- that final motivation that sees a job through to its successful conclusion.
As with a successful harvest, Jera is a rune of material gain. It should be noted that Jera is a complementary rune to Gebo: if both runes turn up together, certain happiness in both relationships and money will occur.
Jera is often seen as a forward-looking rune which refers to an eventual positive resolution which will occur at some time in the future: Often this pertains to legal resolutions.
Other possible literal meanings of Jera in a reading are a large, well-attended meal or outdoor festivities.
Inverted Meaning::
Jera cannot be inverted.
The verdent Yew tree stands tall in a snowy field. All around it is the still lifelessness of winter, yet the Yew remains supple and strong. Yews are hardy trees which stay green even in winter. Their red berries signify life in the harshest of environments -- a steadfast refusal to succumb to the opposition and hardship of the cold. Yew trees have been linked to runes, the occult, and rites of passage in Europe since ancient Germanic times. In Christianity, yew trees are often linked to immortality -- and are often planted in church yards expressly to signify this.
Historically, the wood of the yew tree also made the best bows, at one time a vital and sophisticated instrument of war -- used to kill the enemy at long range before they could draw close.
How to Interpret "Eihwaz "
A major and necessary life change may be about to take place; either the onset of adulthood, going away to college, marriage, retirement or a change in profession. This change may seem full of uncertainty when it is first introduced, but it will become clear very quickly that such change is necessary.
A significant confrontation with one's inner fears and innermost insecurities may be at hand. While 'change' is a constant process, the appearance of Eihwaz indicates an increase in the speed and intensity of change.
Change comes in many forms: mental, spiritual and physical. It is important to keep one's focus clear throughout the process: some change should be accepted as it is necessary and just. Other change may require a steadfast resolve and hardiness -- like the always green yew tree.
Through the trials of 'change' come growth and spiritual expansion. Resolve, flexibility and a focus on the importance of change will see one through the most difficult trials.
Eihwaz may also reference the need to address a problem well in advance, before it becomes serious.
Other possible literal meanings of Eihwaz in a reading are positive health, nature or the season of winter.
Inverted Meaning::
This cup shape literally means a vessel -- possibly for casting lots. This rune is one of the more controversial among runic scholars, as the "P" sound at the start does not actually appear anywhere else in early Germanic languages. It is commonly thought that the rune's name, which is now lost to antiquity, was altered over the centuries with the development of more modern alphabets.
Perthro represents a vessel, something to be filled and drunk from. There is also significant evidence that the cup referenced by Perthro is a 'dice-cup', of the kind commonly used in games of chance and fate.
How to Interpret "Perthro"
The cup of Perthro represents fertility, mystery, and all things hidden. The hand of fate, through Karma or divine predestination, is showing itself strongly in one's life. While fate is often complex and impossible to understand, this rune indicates a powerful order and purpose behind seemingly random events. Fate is both powerful and unknowable -- a force which we all must ultimately respect and give way to.
Intense forces of change that work behind the scenes are acting on the individual at this time. While these forces may be seen as positive or negative, the appearance of Perthro most commonly suggests positive forces -- unless of course it appears in a spread with a host of negative runes.
It should be noted that while we frequently view change as either "good" or "bad" -- Perthro reminds us that such black-and-white interpretation may represent an oversimplification of fate. The change referenced by Perthro carries with it an infinite amount of complexity and subtlety. To attempt to categorize change in simplistic terms of "positive" or "negative", is to attempt to understand fate itself: something no mortal can do. When analyzing the meaning of Perthro, one should take care to remember that fate exists at a level that we can never truly know until such time that it is upon us. What seems true may prove false, and vice versa. Only fate can tell.
Other possible literal meanings of Perthro in a reading are the act of drinking or games of chance.
Inverted Meaning::
There may be psychological issues present which the individual may need to explore further. This may not represent a readiness to explore hidden mysteries further, but a burning desire that is not accompanied by the wisdom of experience. Tread carefully, missteps are costly here.
The rune of Algiz depicts a person with arms upraised, elk's antlers, or a representation of the Norse God Heimdall who holds his sword in one hand and his horn in the other -- guarding the divine realm of Asgard. In the old Germanic languages, Algiz means "defense" or "protection". "Elhaz", yet another name for this rune, means "elk" and refers to the four elks that feed off of the World Tree of Norse legend, or Yggdrasil.
The rune Algiz was commonly carved into the shields, swords and spears of warriors as a mark of protection and sanctuary from harm.
How to Interpret "Algiz"
As the best defense is often a good offense, this rune symbolizes protection in all of its forms; both offense and defense, proactive and reactive. The appearance of this rune indicates the presence of a threat, and a need to guard against something. Algiz signals that this protection may be expected from an outside source in a conflict that is either forthcoming or is already ongoing.
Algiz also refers to spiritual defenses and the act of drawing upon inner strength to actively protect our emotional well-being and our immediate surroundings. Referenced here is our own internal system of checks and balances that makes up our conscience: The soul reaching to the realm of the divine as an act of spiritual and physical protection.
The more esoteric meanings of this complex rune aside, at its most basic level it symbolizes protection and helpful "brawn". A threat is indicated, but the individual will come to no harm.
Inverted Meaning:
When inverted this rune is called "Ihwar", meaning "yew tree" or "yew bow". The reversed position indicates that the situation may call for more of a defense than originally thought -- one's guard is down, the sword and horn are being held downwards rather than being held up to the sky. Attacks must be anticipated and defenses are down.
Sowilo, or the Sun Rune, symbolizes energy, life and fertility. Warmth, positivity and drive flow from radiant Sowilo. Norse mythology describes the sun as a blazing disc which is pulled across sky in a chariot pulled by a great wolf. One day, it is said, the wolf will stop pulling the chariot and eat the sun on the day of "Ragnarok", the old Norse version of "judgement day".
While Sowilo indicates positive energy and success, Sowilo reminds us of the necessity to move on even after achieving that success. Its action sustains itself and spurs the individual on to greater and more noble pursuits.
How to Interpret "Sowilo "
Success; a more permanent and lifelong success than the harvest time of Jera. Sowilo often refers to a dynamic, strong, steadfast, and charismatic personality. Energy, motivation, goodness, and all positive character attributes are referenced here. A very successful outcome is indicated, perhaps more successful than one had predicted. Sowilo is an extremely fortunate rune and is often considered the best possible rune in a reading.
Sowilo represents an endless source of energy and brilliance: a renewal of hope and achievement. If a project or endeavor is beginning to "drag on", Sowilo indicates a resurgence of positivity and progress.
Sowilo often references health issues and healing. The sun's rays offer vital healing energy, and the appearance of this rune often indicates a positive resolution to a health issue, or a time of successful recovery.
Other possible literal meanings of Sowilo in a reading are: a reference to Summer or bright lights.
Inverted Meaning::
Never with Sowilo