How to deal with bullies
written by Hermione Potter
Ever wanted to deal with those bullies? If you don't know how you can read this book.
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What you can do while you're being bullied
Chapter 6
What you can do while you're being bullied
Ignore the bully and walk away. Walk right on by and act as if you don't hear what the bully is saying. Bullies want a reaction, so don't be the one who gives it to them.
Run. Fighting back will most likely make things worse. If you can, run to a place where an adult is present.
Respond to the bully firmly. Stand up straight and tall, act confident, and tell the bully to stop with an even voice. Say things like, "I'm tired of you bullying me and I want you to stop," "Leave me alone," or simply, "Stop."
Make a joke and laugh at yourself. If a bully makes fun of your jacket, say "Yeah, it's kind of a weird jacket, and thats why I like it." If they make fun of your hair, say something like, "Well, I got it caught in the vacuum cleaner this morning." You're taking away the bully's power when you laugh along with him or her.
Try to instill respect and fear in your bully. Put on your best aggressive face and threaten to make your bully eat through a straw for the next month. You don't mean it, but many bullies will back off if they are threatened back.