1000 Magical Herbs and Fungi
The all new- revised and update- herbology textbook is here by your favourite publishers: Dusklight Publishers! Are you interested in Herbology? Do you want a helping book which can cover your year 1 lessons very precisely? Just give a look to this book which is based on year 1 herbology. This book is just for reading and not for plagiarizing in the tests. Publishers: Dusklight publishers( a printing press owned by sarangdeep Singh) COST: 2ʛ
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The Mandrake
Chapter 4
The mandrake or mandragora is in the shape of a parsnip, and grows well around areas
at which men have been hung. It causes hallucinations, comas, and puts
people into 'dreamlike states' - I call them trances. They are easily found in common European countries.
In potioneering, the mandrake is versatile, from love potions to
sleeping potions and even a revival potion for those petrified.
Uprooted mandrakes can cause death with the sound of their screams, and therefore herbologists should wear Ear-muffs at all times when handling them. However, after a mandrake causes a fatality, it is unable to scream any longer.
The Aquatandisu potion will stop a mandrake screaming if it is fully
submerged, and is used for protection purposes by herbologists.
First Aid
COMA: Wash spot of contact, send for trained healer to administer tandisu injection.
Reporting of a mandrake: to repot this plant, wear earmuffs and dragon hide gloves and use medium to heavy soil. The concentration of water should be 3/4th of the plants approx. Weight.
The mandrake or mandragora is in the shape of a parsnip, and grows well around areas
at which men have been hung. It causes hallucinations, comas, and puts
people into 'dreamlike states' - I call them trances. They are easily found in common European countries.
In potioneering, the mandrake is versatile, from love potions to
sleeping potions and even a revival potion for those petrified.
Uprooted mandrakes can cause death with the sound of their screams, and therefore herbologists should wear Ear-muffs at all times when handling them. However, after a mandrake causes a fatality, it is unable to scream any longer.
The Aquatandisu potion will stop a mandrake screaming if it is fully
submerged, and is used for protection purposes by herbologists.
First Aid
COMA: Wash spot of contact, send for trained healer to administer tandisu injection.
Reporting of a mandrake: to repot this plant, wear earmuffs and dragon hide gloves and use medium to heavy soil. The concentration of water should be 3/4th of the plants approx. Weight.