MYTH-401 Fill-In Notes
written by Keyla Daddario
I've taken the time to make some fill-in notes for your fourth year Mythology course. Hope you enjoy!
Last Updated
Lesson 2: Cults & Creation Myths
Chapter 1
The Emergence of Cults
~ Before we begin exploring the various __________________________ myths from Ancient
Egypt, there are a _____________ things we need to understand about _______________ the
various cults _________________________.
~ The cults were based on the __________________________ of a particular god in each
___________________________, or ________________, in the earliest
~ There were approximately __________ of these nomes, and each of them had their
______________ “universal” god who had been in ___________________________ since (or
even ______________________) time ___________________.
~ These universal gods _____________________________ the world as the
________________ knew it and created all ______________________ beings.
~ However, that is quite often where their similarities _________________, as you will see
when we begin to _________________________ the origin myths.
~ Another ____________________ to keep in mind when we are looking at these myths and
_____________________ is that they were ____________________________ passed down
by word of ____________________.
~ Without ___________________ records of these myths, much of what we now know has
been _____________________ together from various _____________________________
passed down through the ________________.
~ There is a __________________________ possibility that the myths we know today are
__________________________________ different from what the _______________________
myths depicted.
~ Since not even a time-turner could ________________________ return us to the 3rd
________________________ of Egypt, we will have to rely upon
____________________________________ and ____________________________________
research to understand the _____________________ of these _____________________
The Myths of Origin
~ While there were most likely ____________________________ myths of origin throughout the
_____________________ of Ancient Egypt, there are four _______________________ myths that have had
__________________________ and long-lasting impacts on the ________________________ of the people.
~ Three of these myths originated _________________ or during the ___________ Dynasty of Egypt (2686-2613
BCE), and the fourth, which emerged quite _____________________ than the others, had probably the
________________________ impact on Egyptian beliefs from the ___________ Dynasty (2134-1991 BCE) onward
due to its ____________________________.
The Heliopolitan Cult & Myth of Origin
The Hermopolitan Cult & Myth of Origin
~ Unsurprisingly, the Hermopolitan Cult was based in the city of _________________________,
located in _________________ Egypt.
~ The cult’s myth of origin is _____________________________ different than the Heliopolitan
myth that we just examined in that ___________________ happened in one
__________________, as opposed to the _____________________ system that the previous
myth described.
~ The gods & goddesses _____________________________ with this particular myth are
called “The __________________” as there are ___________________ of them.
~ They are based on the ________________ elements of chaos.
~ Nun (male) and Naunet (female) are the primordial _______________________.
~ Heh (male) and Hehet (female), also referred to as Huh and Hauhet
________________________________, are infinity/_____________________________.
~ Kek (male) and Keket (female), or Kuk and Kauket respectively, are
~ And Amun (male) and Amunet (or Amaunet - female) are air/______________________.
~ The Ogdoad are considered the ______________________ and ______________________
who created the ________________ with the males depicted with the heads of
________________ and the females depicted with the heads of
~ Depending on which _________________________ of the myth you read, either the gods
and goddesses ______________________ from the chaos-created “Island of Flame,” or the
gods and goddesses _____________________ the Island of Flame on which to
________________ the world.
~ In either case, an _________________________ between all eight of their heads created an
____________________________ burst of energy that _______________________ creation to
take place.
~ At this moment of creation, one of the most ___________________ versions states that, the
sun (represented by the god ___________________) arose from the ____________________
above a lotus flower (represented by the goddess ____________________________).
The Memphite Cult & Myth of Origin
The Theban Cult & Myth of Origin
~ The Theban cult is the only ___________ of the four cults we are looking at today that was
located in _________________ Egypt, and emerged _________________________________
later than the others.
~ Around the ____________ Dynasty, Thebes became the __________________ of the
Egyptian Kingdom, and a ____________________ version of the
_________________________________ myth became the
_______________________________ belief.
~ In this ___________________________ version, Amun (one of the _____________________
Hermopolitan Ogdoad) is ____________________ to ______________ of the Gods & the
_________________ of Thebes.
~ His _______________________ with the goddess __________ (meaning Mother) resulted in
the birth of _______________, the moon god.
~ From this original ________________, the world was created.
~ This cult also ___________________________ many of the gods and goddesses from
_________________ cults into their belief system, and its ___________________________
spread over ______________ of the surrounding area as it was _________________________
by the ______________________ of the time.
~ As you can no doubt see, there are _____________________________ & differences
between __________ of these different cults and what they ____________________________.
~ However, _________________ features are similar in _____________ of them, namely that
there were _______________________ gods and goddesses involved, in ______________
way, in the ______________________ of the world and _____________ of its
~ Before we begin exploring the various __________________________ myths from Ancient
Egypt, there are a _____________ things we need to understand about _______________ the
various cults _________________________.
~ The cults were based on the __________________________ of a particular god in each
___________________________, or ________________, in the earliest
~ There were approximately __________ of these nomes, and each of them had their
______________ “universal” god who had been in ___________________________ since (or
even ______________________) time ___________________.
~ These universal gods _____________________________ the world as the
________________ knew it and created all ______________________ beings.
~ However, that is quite often where their similarities _________________, as you will see
when we begin to _________________________ the origin myths.
~ Another ____________________ to keep in mind when we are looking at these myths and
_____________________ is that they were ____________________________ passed down
by word of ____________________.
~ Without ___________________ records of these myths, much of what we now know has
been _____________________ together from various _____________________________
passed down through the ________________.
~ There is a __________________________ possibility that the myths we know today are
__________________________________ different from what the _______________________
myths depicted.
~ Since not even a time-turner could ________________________ return us to the 3rd
________________________ of Egypt, we will have to rely upon
____________________________________ and ____________________________________
research to understand the _____________________ of these _____________________
The Myths of Origin
~ While there were most likely ____________________________ myths of origin throughout the
_____________________ of Ancient Egypt, there are four _______________________ myths that have had
__________________________ and long-lasting impacts on the ________________________ of the people.
~ Three of these myths originated _________________ or during the ___________ Dynasty of Egypt (2686-2613
BCE), and the fourth, which emerged quite _____________________ than the others, had probably the
________________________ impact on Egyptian beliefs from the ___________ Dynasty (2134-1991 BCE) onward
due to its ____________________________.
The Heliopolitan Cult & Myth of Origin
The Hermopolitan Cult & Myth of Origin
~ Unsurprisingly, the Hermopolitan Cult was based in the city of _________________________,
located in _________________ Egypt.
~ The cult’s myth of origin is _____________________________ different than the Heliopolitan
myth that we just examined in that ___________________ happened in one
__________________, as opposed to the _____________________ system that the previous
myth described.
~ The gods & goddesses _____________________________ with this particular myth are
called “The __________________” as there are ___________________ of them.
~ They are based on the ________________ elements of chaos.
~ Nun (male) and Naunet (female) are the primordial _______________________.
~ Heh (male) and Hehet (female), also referred to as Huh and Hauhet
________________________________, are infinity/_____________________________.
~ Kek (male) and Keket (female), or Kuk and Kauket respectively, are
~ And Amun (male) and Amunet (or Amaunet - female) are air/______________________.
~ The Ogdoad are considered the ______________________ and ______________________
who created the ________________ with the males depicted with the heads of
________________ and the females depicted with the heads of
~ Depending on which _________________________ of the myth you read, either the gods
and goddesses ______________________ from the chaos-created “Island of Flame,” or the
gods and goddesses _____________________ the Island of Flame on which to
________________ the world.
~ In either case, an _________________________ between all eight of their heads created an
____________________________ burst of energy that _______________________ creation to
take place.
~ At this moment of creation, one of the most ___________________ versions states that, the
sun (represented by the god ___________________) arose from the ____________________
above a lotus flower (represented by the goddess ____________________________).
The Memphite Cult & Myth of Origin
The Theban Cult & Myth of Origin
~ The Theban cult is the only ___________ of the four cults we are looking at today that was
located in _________________ Egypt, and emerged _________________________________
later than the others.
~ Around the ____________ Dynasty, Thebes became the __________________ of the
Egyptian Kingdom, and a ____________________ version of the
_________________________________ myth became the
_______________________________ belief.
~ In this ___________________________ version, Amun (one of the _____________________
Hermopolitan Ogdoad) is ____________________ to ______________ of the Gods & the
_________________ of Thebes.
~ His _______________________ with the goddess __________ (meaning Mother) resulted in
the birth of _______________, the moon god.
~ From this original ________________, the world was created.
~ This cult also ___________________________ many of the gods and goddesses from
_________________ cults into their belief system, and its ___________________________
spread over ______________ of the surrounding area as it was _________________________
by the ______________________ of the time.
~ As you can no doubt see, there are _____________________________ & differences
between __________ of these different cults and what they ____________________________.
~ However, _________________ features are similar in _____________ of them, namely that
there were _______________________ gods and goddesses involved, in ______________
way, in the ______________________ of the world and _____________ of its