The World Of Magic
This book is about how I think the magical world of hogwarts started. I haven't written the book yet so keep your eye out. see the rest soon. Oh, and I failed to remember that Ravenclaw is actually a girl instead of a boy. So Professor Ravenclaw is actually a woman.
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The Meeting Of The Starters Children
Chapter 1
Justin, and his friends Kyle, Embree, and Gail, were sitting under a large blossom tree in Middle England. Embree was standing in front of the group telling them what her father was telling her mother the other night.
"Then, my father said, he was meeting up with your guys's fathers and your mums for a meeting to open up a new school!" Embree said pointing at them all.
"Please. Mrs. Hufflepuff is too shy to go talk to men after what happened to her husband." Kyle said.
"Don't talk about my mum that way!" snapped Justin.
"Guys, keep your voice down! My mum doesn't know that I know. And I do not wish to be grounded." Embree exclaimed."Well, it's time for you guys to go. MEETING DISMISSED!"