Guinvolucri cavies Porcellus A.K.A Guinea Fowl to Guinea Pig
Chapter 7
This chapter will take a close look at the Transfiguration spell Guineae volucri, or also known as, guinea fowl to guinea pig.
The word is derived from Latin, Guineae volucri meaning "guinea fowl", and cavies Porcellus meaning "little pig." It is the incantation used for the spell and is pronounced Gin-vol-OO-kree Cav-EES Por-sell-us.
If you look back at our categories in Chapter 1, this spell falls under the Transformation Transfiguration branch. It is used to transform a guinea fowl into a guinea pig. This is a more difficult spell, as it is transfiguring one live creature into a completely different creature, also known as trans-species transformations and requires a general knowledge and background of both creatures being transfigured.The spell itself emits a soft white glow around the creature, and is cast with a simple upwards flick followed by a downwards point. At first, the guinea pig will almost always very closely resemble what the guinea fowl had looked like, but with practice, uniqueness can be achieved with fur coat and eye color.The level of this transfiguration is moderate.
t= Transformation of guinea fowl into a guinea pig
a= caster must be heavier than the guinea fowl
v= intent must be at least medium
w= medium
c= moderate
Z= well-spoken, completely clear