Chapter 5
This chapter will reflect closely at the Transfiguration spell of Lapifors.
The word is derived from Latin, the prefix lapi- from Latin lepus meaning "hare", and suffix -fors (used often in transfiguration spells) is Latin for "good chance, luck, fortune", and is pronounced LAH-pi-forz.
Looking back at our categories in Chapter 1, this spell falls under the Transformation Transfiguration branch.It is used to transform small objects such as rabbit statues, salamanders and cats, into a rabbit.The spell emits a light pink color, but no sound when the incantation is cast and wand movement is done with a simple wave over the object within close range.The level of this transfiguration is intermediate.
t= Transformation of an object into a rabbit
a= Must be heavier than the object being transformed
v= medium
w= any
c= moderate
Z= well-spoken, completely clear