Aerisfors A.K.A Hedgehog to Pincushion
Chapter 4
This chapter will take a close look at the Transfiguration spell aerisfors, or also known as, hedgehog to pincushion.
The word is derived from Latin, eris, which means "hedgehog," and fors (a suffix often used in transfiguration spells) for "chance, luck, fortune." It is the incantation used for the spell and is pronounced aa-eris-forz.
If you look back at our categories in Chapter 1, this spell falls under the Transformation Transfiguration branch. It is used to transform a hedgehog into a pincushion.The spell does not cast any source of light or emit any sound at all. The wand movement is a strict and rigid tap and followed by the incantation.The level of this transfiguration is moderate.
t= Transformation of a hedgehog into a pincushion
a= caster must be heavier than the hedgehog
v= intent must be at least mild-medium
w= medium
c= fair
Z= perfectly spoken, completely clear