Intermediate Transfiguration

written by Katherine Lutz

Last Updated







Chapter 1
As stated in my previous book, A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration, Transfigurations takes years to mas tdown to the molecules, or, by simply altering the definition of bone or organ structure. To do this, one of the four categories of Transfiguration must be invoked, whether it is Transformation, Conjuration, Vanishment, or Untransfiguration. First we will begin with Transformation. Transformation is the change of one object into another, either by deformation or alteration. This form of Transfiguration ranges from simple ideals, such as turning rabbits into slipper, or, adapting it to perform Cross-Species Switches. Yet, withing Transformation, there are still three more sub-categories. There is Human Transformation, where the target or end-result is a human being. This includes werewolves (sing. werewolf) and animagi (sing. animagus). As always, there are spells for this Transformation sub-category, and won't usually be learned until later in most magical institutions. Another Transformation sub-category is Switching, where one - quite literally - switches a single attribute from two different objects onto the other object simultaneously, such as switching wings of a bird to the fins of a fish,and vice-versa. The change on the bird depends on the change on the fish, both occurring at the same time.Even within Switching, there is yet another sub-category, Cross-Species Switches, but this is to be observed in later years. Lastly, there is Trans-species Transformations, which also overlap into Switching and Cross-Species Switches. This form of Transformation either partially or completely changes a target into another species. This is very difficult and complex magic and, in certain circumstances, be reviewed in later years.Another category in Transfiguration is Vanishment. Like the name will suggest, this is the art of making objects vanish, or simply into non-being. This form of Transfiguration will be thoroughly explained in my next book, Advanced Transfigurations. The difficulty, however, is determined by what exactly is being vanished. It is well-known that invertebrates are easier to Vanish than vertebrates, simply because of the complexities that most vertebrates possess, such as their bone and internal organ structure. Unlike Transformations and Conjurations, Vanishment will only possess one single spell and is the only spell that will be needed to perform Vanishment.On that note, let us observe Conjuration. It is opposite from Vanishment, in that it brings things into being.This form of Transfiguration is also harder than its counter-part, mostly due to the concentration, spell-knowledge, and heavy wandwork required of the caster. Conjuration also has its limitations, as things that are conjured do last long, no matter how well or powerful the caster performs the spell, it's simply law. There are also some laws set down by the Ministry of Magic as to the usage and limitation of Conjuration.And, finally, there is the branch of Transfiguration called Untransfiguration. As its name details, it is the branch of Transfiguration focused on the reversal of Transfigurations on objects and targets. It is the most difficult branch of Transfiguration, learned by Transfigurists later in their school careers. All professors in Transfiguration know Untransfiguration as a requirement due to the consistency of helping beginners undo their mistakes.Transfiguration, in general, is a difficult discipline to master. It is systematic and very exact; one mispronunciation or wrong move and the Transfiguration can go horribly wrong. There is little to no margin of error allowed in Transfiguration. So, there are a few things to keep in mind when attempting to

transfigurate something. First, there is the intended transformation (t). It is directly influenced by bodyweight(a), viciousness (v), wand power (w), concentration (c) and spell incantation (Z), as described in the formula drawn below:If anyone of these factors are off, the Transfiguration will fail.The levels of each variable are as follows:t= end result. Most Transfiguration spell difficulties range from basic, somewhat basic, intermediate,somewhat difficult, difficult, expert a= caster must be heavier than the object being transformed v= mild, medium-mild, medium, medium-strong, strong, extreme w= any, medium, strong c= fair, moderate, complete Z= well-spoken, perfectly-spoken - and - as clear as possible, completely clear The limitations of Transfiguration are myriad, but are separated by Nature and Law. Nature Limitations are limitations that attempt to keep Transfiguration from defying nature or the rules of nature. For example, one cannot revive the dead (no matter how recently deceased) with Transfiguration, the object's size and mass must be taken into account (the larger the object, the more difficult to transfigure), an animagus form is limited to one animal form, one cannot conjure food, and, by will of nature, things that are conjured do not last. Law Limitations are limitations set down by the Ministry of Magic or other form of Wizarding Government to keep the over-use and empowerment of Transfiguration to a minimum through surveillance.This includes registration of animagi to Ministry of Magic, being watched by a Transfigurist while learning to become an animagus, and other laws beyond the scope of this book.The dangers of Transfiguration can be mild to severe, meaning, you might accidentally only half-Transfigure something or cause it to be permanently stuck in that state. This is why it is important to focus while in Transfiguration, or disastrous effects may be the outcome.
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