From Alterations to Altercations: The Transfigurative Guide
written by Katherine Lutz
Companion to a Beginners Guide to Transfiguration, for First, Second and Third Year Transfiguration Students.
Last Updated
Disillusioning Spells
Chapter 20
Disillusionment is amongst the most advanced fields of magic as it requires a full field of magic and an application of mind and body to the task. The art of disillusionment is to veil or camouflage to one’s immediate surroundings.
o Magical Historians have found that the disillusioning of oneself affects all areas, inclusive of the wand
o Disillusionment is far from perfect hiding . A disillusioned object or person, as time passes, can be seen as a distortion in the air which disrupts the natural materialistic flow of an object’s corporeal form.
o For example, a person lying on a lawn while disillusioned, their shape would distort the grass and it would be evidently different to other sections of the lawn
For generations, magicians have been on the verge of being caught disillusioned by muggles due to the waning feature of the spell. Reference can be found in muggle historical texts to ‘rifts’ or ‘inter-dimensional gateways’, which they believed were the points of entry between realms.
Across time, only very few wizards or witches have had the true power to disillusion to the point of invisibility. Headmasters and headmistresses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have been famously noted to be adept at performing disillusionment to this level, but very few others are known to have such a skill set.
The primary reason for this is that these professors who have elevated to headmasters and headmistresses are amongst the greatest wizards and witches of their time. Expertise in all fields is a necessity for such a role and ergo only the best are taken. Seen as the pinnacle of their fields, they are also contrasted by Dark Lords and Wizards practicing dark magics, who develop their skill to such a degree and channel their fury so deep that they are capable of generating the necessary magical field to disguise them.
The method of performing a disillusionment charm is complex. It requires the wrapping of the caster’s body in a veil of magic from the wand to create a disturbance in the atmosphere behind which they can hide. There is no given incantation and requires total peace of mind and concentration upon what you are aiming to achieve.
o It is for this reason alone that the spell is considered so advanced. Very few wizards and witches can achieve the peace of mind that is necessary to generate the disillusionment from the tip of the wand.
o It is notable that Disillusionment was a trait Rowena Ravenclaw exuded and Ravenclaws have notoriously been able to, across the years, achieve varying degrees of disillusionment.
o Disillusionment can spread across multiple people. A witch and/or wizard may disillusion another person, or if holding hands with an individual, they become disillusioned together.
It is advised by the Ministry of Magic that this style of magic be performed under close supervision until mastered.