From Alterations to Altercations: The Transfigurative Guide
written by Katherine Lutz
Companion to a Beginners Guide to Transfiguration, for First, Second and Third Year Transfiguration Students.
Last Updated
Dark Transfigurations
Chapter 14
It is advised that only students above the third year of Transfigurative Study continue with their study of this chapter. In light of the subject matter, spontaniety of magical extremes has been known to occur. For all medical emergencies, contact the St Mungo's Accidental Magic Squad Immediately.
You Have Been Warned.
Dark Transfigurations are amongst the foulest of magic hence we shall given neither direction nor instruction.
Dark Transfigurations are the deliberate art of inflicting injury upon persons or objects via alteration magics. Prohibited in every school of magic, the art of Dark Transfigurations can be found amongst the subjects of altering magic. Transfigurative curses such as the Transmogrifian curse are, for example, forbidden in every realm of magical learning, so no further information shall be revealed. Further instruction can only be divulged by Transfigurative staff at their own risk.
Even simpler spells such as Inanimatus Conjurus may be found categorized under Dark Transfigurations. Linked with the mind, this spell enables conjuration of objects which do not fall under or near Gamp’s Laws of Elemental Transfigurations. It is considered amongst the most useful of all known spells.
During the 17th era of Magical Government, it was acknowledged by the Minister for Magic that: “All and any magic, given the way it is used, can be deemed Dark, Potent and Evil. The Dark Lords of our time, even perform the simplest spells such as Flipendo to knock over boulders or repel individuals, yet this is a spell we see daily in our households. Does this make it evil? Not Necessarily, but the intent behind it does”.By his definition, any given spell could be used to further progress the light or dark sides of magic that are in eternal conflict, but it is up to the caster to determine which way the spell will go. With this in mind, it is important to note also that the intensity of the spell is altered according to the will and power of the casters mind. For instance, take a simple knockback jinx and apply it to a child who has no control over their magical abilities and you will find nothing of detriment will occur, yet apply the same spell to someone of ill-will and the outcome could be drastically different.
In the 18th era of Magical Government, following talks with the muggle government and the public execution of witches around the world, a blanket ban was put in place on all spells except the simplest of household charms such as Alohomora and Wingardium Leviosa. All other spells, tracked by magical taboo, if performed, would alert authorities and permit them to apparate to the location instantly. This saw a substantial increase in the crime rate amongst magical folk and it wasn’t until the 19th era that the government withdrew this blanket ban and established the Dark Transfigurations Ledger. The DTL contained a list of the darkest spells known to wizard-kind and each was sealed with taboo that they might be uncovered if performed around the world. Since the inception of the ledger, there has been a substantial decrease in the amount of deaths related to Transfigurative magic around the world.