The life of a muggle born
written by PAOLA
Young Paola had always been making strange things happen since she was born,but one day,she gets a answer to all of her questions. EVERY DAY I WILL ADD A CHAPTER OR TWO
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The first day of school breakfast...
Chapter 11
The next morning at breakfast,Grace introduced me to her other frieds,the ones she had met on the train. They were called Poppy and Camille and were both really nice. For breakfast,we had bacon,butter,cornflacks,coffee,eggs,fried sausages,fried tomatoes,kippers,marmalade,milk,orange juice,porridge,pumpkin juice,rolls,salt,tea and toast. In the great hall there were 4 long house tables for the students and a long staff table in the front,for the staff. The headmaster,proffesor Dumbledore started the first day of school with this "Welcome!" he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!'' He seemed a bit strange but also funny,i decided that i liked him. After breakfast,proffesor McGonnagal handed out our class sceduals and told us ''Classes will start in an hour,now you can use that time to go back to your common room and collect your books,change into your robes and go through your textbooks. You are aloud to practice the spells but do not get upset if you do not get them right,it is your first day on your first year at school. When you think that you have done enough of that,you can go explore the grounds and get to know your suroundings a bit more''. When she was finnished,all four of us headed back to our common room.