My Herbology Notebook
Just notes from herbology if you want to study but it's just for me mostly.
Last Updated
Lesson #3 (Old)
Chapter 3
Learning Objectives(copied): For students to grasp the uses of some basic plants, common to the practice of Herbology By the end of this lesson, students should feel comfortable discussing these plants in a recreational setting This week we will be looking at four of the basic herbs used in Herbology. These four herbs consist of Gillyweed, Valerian Root, Knotgrass, and Dittany. Within these four categories, we will look at their natural habitats, any special requirements under planting and care, as well as the properties of the plant. In many instances, potions which require these herbs may be listed in short. Info On Gillyweed: -Is a rare Herb -Is native to the Mediterranean Sea -Grows from 5 cm to 7cm in length -Grows in water and needs a lot of water -Needs very little sunlight in order to be healthy -Likes a soil with a pH range of 7.9–8.4 -Is slimy, grows in bushels, and is a grey-green color -Is part of family of Giliac weeds -When eaten gives a full human being (with magical powers [I think]) gills and grows webbing on their hand and feet -Effect latest for 1 hour in fresh water -Effect latest for 3 hours in salt water (debated) -Fun Fact: -Gillywood(A tree that grows underwater) is thought to be related to gillyweed because of its leaves -Gillywater is a popular refreshing drink and this is how you make it: -How to make Gillywater(Copied): Begin with either a pure water, or a juice. You will need a cucumber, as well as several sheaves of Gillyweed. Peel the cucumber, then cut it into long, relatively thin strips. Use the longest to tie the rest of the strips together. Pour whichever liquid you choose into the cup, and then add the cucumber. The longer you let sit, the stronger the cucumber taste. Right before drinking, add Gillyweed to the cup, and perhaps a chilling charm or ice cubes. Gillyflower may also be added if you like a little spice in your drink. Info on Valerian Root (and sprigs): -Native to Europe and some of Asia -Migrated to North America -Muggles know about the plant but don't know its powers -The roots have sedative powers -def Sedative: Promoting calm or inducing sleep -The sprigs are used in several different sleeping potions. -The root is anxiolytic, thus it is also used in calming droughts and potions. -def Anxiolytic: reduces anxiety - The springs are also used in perfumes because the springs have a strong scent described as a mix of strawberry and vanilla - Grooms in weddings will wear the root in order to ward off the envy of elves - That wedding tradition is still done in Eastern Europe -Can grow up to be 5 feet -Forms bunches of attractive white flowers. -Needs at least 7 hours of sunlight per day to be healthy -Root division and seeding is a good way of growing another plant -likes soil with a pH level of 4.5–5.0 (very strong acid) -Plant the seed 1/8 of an inch down in the soil -Keep away from cats because the roots are like catnip -The roots are used in the Draught of Living Death and the Forgetfulness Potion Info on Knotgrass: -A herb -Is Used in weddings -Symbol of tying two people together -Used in Ployjuice to help temporarily turn one person's’ body in that of another -Native to European forests -Grows in Hogwarts's Forbidden forest -5 cm to 4m tall (around 2 inches to 4.3 yards) -Weird growing patterns -Can halt the growth of animals [Most likely from eating the plant] -Used in Polyjuice Potion -Info On Polyjuice Potion: -A potion that makes the drinker look and sound like another person [I am pretty sure] -Used in Knotgrass meads; Knotgrass meads are also used in weddings -Grows where there is a neutral level of pH level in soil (Slight acid) 6.1–6.5 to (Neutral) 6.6–7.3 -Grow where there is a lot of water -The more sunlight the faster it grows -Flower in the summer -Flowers can white, pink, or green colored -If you are taking care of one, after flowering the stem must be cut below the flowers. -Need water, water and water Info on Dittany: -A herb -Useful to healers, potioneers, romancers and parents -Grows naturally on the mountain side of Crete, Greece. -Posses romantic properties -Muggles know about its romantic properties and will try and get it from the mountains -Dittany aids in curing ailments of all manners -Used to prevent permanent scarring -Used in many love potions -Can be used as a wand core -When it's liquidized it's brown in color -Needs to be diluted for proper use -Most of the time if dittany will be diluted through the liquidation process -Grows 20cm to 30cm in height (around 8" to around12") -Needs warmth and sunlight to grow healthy -Latin name is origanum dictamnus -The plant that is genetically closest to it has the Latin name dictamnus albus. -Dictamnus albus is also called Burning Brush or White (False) Dittany [don't mistake one for the other] -grows in soil with an average pH level of (Neutral) 6.6–7.3 -In order to grow dittany you need a greenhouse -How to grow dittany in a greenhouse: -The temp must be kept at 13 degrees celsius -Seeds need to be lightly covered in soil -Lightly sprinkle water on the seed area -Wait for soil to dry out before watering again Extra: dittany can be used in the Wiggenweld Potion? I don't understand confused need to ask