No Emotions
written by Sally Mandram
I bet you can feel Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Disgust. Well, I can't feel anything. I have been knocked down so many times. Emotionally Mentally and Physically. I can't help which family I come from. I can't help with what I do. I have had to go to 6 schools. I have had to switch between mom and dad. Yet I don't care.
Last Updated
Chapter 6- The Harm
Chapter 6
After reading this you may think that I am pathetic for letting it get to me. However, have you ever been knocked down so hard that you may not get back up? It hurts, doesn't it? That's how I am every day, only I don't have anybody to lean on. My family, ex, and classmates all despise me no matter what I do or say. But it doesn't matter anymore, nothing really matters anymore. When I do eventually die I bet that no one will notice and/or care. You may think that this is just a phase that everyone goes through. But it's not, being knocked down is nothing yes. But when it's been done to you so many times. You lose hope in yourself and everyone around you. That is why I don't have any emotions........cause there's nothing left to feel or rebuild.