Pagan Magic, Rituals And Beliefs
A book detailing a form of magic that goes back long before Roman Britain and the use of wands and Latin incantations - interested in history, learning a new type of magic and the power of nature itself? Try reading this!
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Pagan Magick - Common Banishing Spell
Chapter 8
Sometimes we find ourselves surrounded by bad luck, misfortune or misery, things we don't want around us. Other time we may need to banish a creature, spirit or ghoul which is haunting us. Whatever you wish to Banish this is the spell for it. It works well, and you should remember it in case the need arises. For this spell you don't need to cast a circle, but if you're worried something might happen feel free to cast one for extra protection.
Elemental Banishing Spell
What You’ll Need:
- White candle
- Four pieces of parchment paper
- Ink or pen (dragon’s blood ink is best)
- Dragon’s blood incense
You need to be somewhere in nature that has water such as a pond or creek. Light your incense and center yourself. Write what you want to be banished on your four pieces of parchment. Charge your candle by holding it with your dominant hand, imagining whatever you want to have banished flowing through your body and into the candle. With your first piece of parchment, say aloud:
"I banish _________ with the element of earth."
Bury your parchment in the dirt, imaging whatever you’re banishing to become neutralized and powerless. Take your next piece of parchment, say aloud:
“I banish ________ with the element of air.”
Tear your parchment into tiny pieces and release them into the air, seeing them be taken away and scattered, ceasing to exist. Take your next piece of parchment and say:
“I banish ________ with the element of fire.”
Carefully burn your parchment using the flame of the black candle, and place on a heat-safe dish to burn completely. Take your last piece of parchment, and going to your source of water, say aloud:
“I banish ______ with the element of water”
And toss your last parchment into the water. Thank the elements and let the candle burn out all the way. It’s optional but ideal to use herbs that corresponds with banishment and burn these as you do your ritual. When your candle is done burning, take the remains and either throw it away in a large dumpster or bury it next to a crossroad away from your house and your daily activities.
Some common banishing herbs include: Black pepper, Cactus, Cloves, Dragon’s blood, Sage, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Fennel, Lemon, Parsley, Barley, Blackberries, Blueberries, Anise, Birch, Caraway, Dill, Eucalyptus
These are all best done during the waning moon.