The Untold Story Of An Outcast Sorcerer
Adapted by Amet Draikst Long ago in a far away land there was a great kingdom that prospered from its commitment to its simple yet sacred ideals. For many years the kingdom stood as a shining beacon for artisans, craftsmen, and storytellers, who all flocked to the land with a dream to uphold the sacred ideals. Through their hard work, a glorious golden age came the the kingdom, followed by a second even greater than the first. Then, came the dark times. The kingdom fell into the hand of an incompetent ruler, and through his negligence, the kingdom fell to ruin. Despite the efforts of one man. A man with a dream, to restore the kingdom to its former glory and to bring about the prophesied Third Golden Age. A misunderstood man. This is his story...
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Forward From The Author
Chapter 1
Hello there, I see you've found my book. Well, the story is not truly mine, but I have made it so in order to share the true details of this tale with anyone possible. This is a story of legend that was twisted and lost in time and falsehoods, but it is finally being brought to light. The injustice within the story is almost as wretched as the story's original distorted version; a skewered perception of what happened being passed off as truth for generations.
Well the truth has finally come out, and I do hope the untold story will bring something to you as it did me.
~Amet Draikst