Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 11)

WELCOME BACK, dearest readers, to another Issue of HMN! And... HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Yes, you heard it right, this January marked our magazine's one year anniversary. There may even be a special chapter about it later on... but anyways! Hidden inside the pages of Hogwarts Monthly News Issue 11 are many amazing holidays, like Chinese New Year and (NOT) OPPOSITE DAY! There's also a chapter about money? Hmm, interesting... And let's not forget the winner of Issue 10's Eyes In The Dark has been announced! Go ahead and get reading :D (Only 2 sickles a copy!)

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Hogwarts Monthly News - 1 Year Anniversary!

Chapter 1

Hello all readers—and a happy new year! Welcome back to another issue of Hogwarts Monthly News, your favourite magazine! Known all around our castle for being extremely enjoyable to read with new monthly columns coming out almost every month, engaging stories and motivational holidays, Hogwarts Monthly News, ever since January of 2024, has strived very hard to please YOU, dearest readers, with amazing issues that flip the switch of curiosity inside you and entice you to just READ our monthly editions!… And trust me, it’s all worth it, even the cheap 2 sickles that come with buying a copy!

Because of HMN’s amazing achievements, unwavering support from our readers and hardworking employees, we still stand today, continuously crafting excellent issues for all! To celebrate our success, and our 1 Year Anniversary, I, Hazel Emory Antler, current head of our wonderful newsgroup, am here to give you a little history of our newsletter as well as exclusive interviews with everyone in the team!

Without further ado, let’s jump right into it!

Hogwarts Monthly News: A History

Hogwarts Weekly News, on the 1st of January, 2024, was established by Sienna Lockwood, known then as Eleanor Raven. Eleanor Raven created Issue 1 of HWN by herself, and in hopes of finding and employing new members, she visited various people’s walls (such as mine!) and asked if they could join her newfound magazine.

I joined her magazine, which later became monthly, in late February as a journalist after she posted on my wall. Yes, I know, I had joined fairly late, but I still managed to write two chapters!

Soon enough, in April, I was promoted to publishing secretary, something that I was very excited about! New members constantly rolled in (I must say, we were very popular!) and our issues continuously got more and more attention. Employees in our group started to introduce their own monthly chapters, the first of them being Sara Rowan with her Magical Moda and Troubadour’s Tales.

But then in May, tragedy struck (well, alright, it wasn’t an actual tragedy, but still!)—Sienna Lockwood, the amazing founder, head, publisher, and compiler of our group had to leave HMN and HiH due to IRL circumstances. And guess who she handed the magazine over to, just in time for Issue 5?


And since then, our magazine has only been gaining more popularity and developing—now we give out checks to team members, now we have our own website, plus so much new content that comes out in every monthly edition on the last day of that month!

Welp, there you go—a short history of Hogwarts Monthly News and its rise!

Here’s the part we’ve all been waiting for, ladies and gentlemen… INTERVIEWS!!!

Interviews With All Our Employees:

(Why don’t I interview myself, because I can?)

Hazel Emory Antler: Head, Owner, Publisher, Compiler, Journalist, Editor, Proofreader, Marketer

Q: How long have you been a part of HMN?
A: I’ve been here since late February of 2024, so nearly a whole year!

Q: Have you enjoyed your experience so far?
A: Yes, of course I have! Before I joined this newsgroup, I had nothing to do on HiH, which led to my inactivity. But then Sienna posted on my wall… and everything changed!

Q: What inspires your writing?
A: I’m not quite sure to be honest! For most chapters, ideas just pop out of my imagination—but Hazel’s True Stories are all real things that have actually happened to me. Of course, what inspires my writing is what I’m actually supposed to write about, haha XD

Q: What inspires your graphics?
A: The content of the chapter I’m advertising of course! Here’s an example—say it’s… a chapter about the importance of books. First, I would think to myself about the main subject—alright, books. What do I think of when I see books? I immediately see many different things—dragons, rocket ships, superheroes, etc, because books are full of different adventures and stories. The colours in my graphic can be vibrant and beautiful—like blue and green. Hm, maybe with my other ideas, I can have… green grass, with a girl leaning against a tree reading. Instead of leaves, the tree has the many different things that can be found in books that I mentioned earlier—like a dragon—coming out of it! And then there’s the blue sky of course. I would try using a readable, cute font for this sort of graphic so it gives cosy vibes, y’know? That’s how I usually make my graphics. Content and colour!

Q: Do you, by any chance, have a favourite employee?
A: *Blushes, probably from irritation.* No, of course I don’t! Everyone in my group is talented, alright? THAT’S WHY I LOVE THEM ALL!!!

Q: How is it like to be the head of a newsgroup?
A: Well, at times it can be extremely stressful—like the days leading up to publishing day and publishing day itself—but I really enjoy my job and I would never want to leave!

Q: Do you ever think of quitting?
A: Like I said above, no, I don’t. If the time comes for me to hand the magazine over… Well, that’s going to take at least a couple of years.

Q: And last but not the least… What's your favourite food?

Sara Rowan: Publishing Secretary, Treasurer, Journalist, Editor, Proofreader, Marketer:

Hazel: Thank you so much for joining us today, Sara! Let’s get started with the first question!

Hazel: How long have you been a part of HMN?
Sara: I've been a member since April 2024, so I've been here a LONG time… as of January, that would be 10 months, I believe.

Hazel: Wow, that’s a REALLY long time! Have you enjoyed your experience so far?
Sara: I definitely have! 10 months of working in a magazine—even one online and Harry Potter-themed—has been so great. It's been a wonderful opportunity for me to hone my writing skills and I've made a lovely community of friendships through HMN.

Hazel: Aww, that’s nice! What motivates you to be a part of this newsgroup?
Sara: For me, I've always liked writing, and I was curious about journalism. When first joining HiH in April, I wanted more to do to become more integrated into the community, and I stumbled across HMN. I joined after messaging the head at the time, Sienna Lockwood, and immediately, I loved the supportive and close-knit community. Everyone is so understanding and creative and it's truly a great experience. So for me, I'd say that the community is definitely the biggest incentive—obviously, I love the magazine part. But I love working with everyone to create a new issue every month.

Hazel: Sweet! What inspires your chapters?
Sara: My chapters… I tend to pick them on the basis of what I advocate for, what I'm interested in, and what I'm knowledgeable about. For example, in this January issue, I've written an article about Roe Vs Wade day because I am interested in advocating for the topic of Abortion. I do a monthly column on poetry because it's something I've always been interested in. I did, in a previous issue, a column on Greek Gods, because I'm knowledgeable about Greek mythology. And of course, I do the mundane chapters too, like Shocking News and Quotes. It's always fun to input my own flair into those!

Hazel: That’s awesome! What inspires your graphics?
Sara: My graphics are generally made in Canva. I try to make them creative and bold rather than a general slap-on graphic with text, you know? For example, let's take… Hogwarts Happenings, a column that I marketed for its first issue. The column is about the correlation of Harry Potter trivia like important dates and birthdays with the days of that month. So what I did for the graphic was I created a newspaper format because of the sense that the column would deliver information, much like news. I used an old colour scheme with parchment-like texture and beiges and coffee-toned colours because most of the Harry Potter world fits snugly into fictional history. Basically, to sum up, I try to deep-dive into the essence of the chapters to deliver an encompassing graphic with different details.

Hazel: Oh my goodness, that is so well-thought out! If you have more than one role in HMN, which one is your favourite and why? If you have only one, why did you choose that specific role and how much do you enjoy it?
Sara: As publishing secretary, I have a lot of roles indeed! I'm part of the executive, so all of my official roles are: publishing secretary, treasurer, journalist, editor, proofreader, and marketer. I think that my very favourite role would be as an editor—which is actually surprising even to me. When I first joined HMN and saw the role, I was like "OMG, I could never!" and I stuck to my proofreading and journalism. But now, there's just something about editing that I love—not only correcting mistakes (although that's more proofreading) but sprucing up sentences with detail, metaphors, etc. As a poet, I think you can imagine how much fun I find it!

Hazel: That actually makes a lot of sense to be honest! Do you ever find your job stressful?
Sara: Oh, all the time. I have a lot of jobs, so it's a bit of a hassle doing them all (and kudos to you, Hazel, because I have *no clue* how you do it!) writing, editing, proofreading, marketing (I never remember to post on time, honestly), compiling all the chapters into the doc, voting form each month, handing out the cheques, whew! It's a lot of pressure. But don't get me wrong—I wouldn't trade it for anything. At the end of the day, seeing and reading the final issue that we produced all together warms my heart.

Hazel: *Melts into a pile of Hazelness.* Aww, thank you Sara, and yes, I can relate, haha! Last but not the least, out of all the chapters in the magazine… which one is your favourite?
Sara: Oooh! Very interesting. I assume this is out of the monthly recurring chapters and columns. After a bit of thought, I'd say it's either "What's the Story This Month?" or "Quotes Page". As an avid reader myself, the Story of the Month never fails (even if it's written by me… lol) to make me perk up on a gloomy day. And of course, the quotes page—such an ingenious chapter. Picking out quotes from one of my favourite book series' and really picking them apart to uncover the message within is such an inviting concept to me. It's so intimate to discover little details you haven't noticed, bits of characterisation that enhance the reading experience.

Hazel: Yes, I definitely agree, those two chapters are definitely two of the most iconic in the magazine. Thank you so much for your time Sara!

Ivy Dewdrop: Assistant Secretary, Journalist, Editor, Proofreader, Marketer

Hazel: Thank you so much for joining us today, Ivy! Let’s get started with the first question!

Hazel: How long have you been a part of HMN?
Ivy: Since May of last year.

Hazel: Nice! Have you enjoyed your experience so far?
Ivy: Yes! I love being a part of HMN we all work smoothly together to create amazing things and I think it's incredible! <3

Hazel: Ah, yes, that is so true <3 What motivates you to be a part of this newsgroup?
Ivy: I love to write and entertain others. Being helpful is a huge motivation for me!

Hazel: Simple but sincere! What inspires your chapters?
Ivy: I take a lot of inspiration from my fellow journalists, specifically Daphne C. and Marlee P. have taught and shown me a lot about interacting with the audience and making your chapters more welcoming!

Hazel: Cool! What inspires your graphics?
Ivy: Really just whatever pops into my head I guess. I have a background in graphic design and I love to create banners, posters, etc!

Hazel: And I think it’s pretty clear that your graphics are amazing ;) If you have more than one role in HMN, which one is your favourite and why? If you have only one, why did you choose that specific role and how much do you enjoy it?
Ivy: I have 5 jobs! Gosh it'd be so hard to choose but I love to do the flyers and the journalist job I suppose would be my favorite!

Hazel: I must say, that’s pretty relatable, haha! Do you ever find your job stressful?
Ivy: Yes, this job can be stressful as sometimes people don't do their jobs or we just have a bigger workflow that month!

Hazel: I must admit, that’s very true! Last but not the least, out of all the chapters in the magazine… which one is your favourite?
Ivy: RECIPE OF THE MONTH! Oh my goodness! They're always written so so so well and the recipes chosen are truly delicious!

Hazel: Oh my goodness, Recipe Of The Month makes me want to stuff myself with food so I definitely agree! Thank you so much for your time Ivy!

Autumn Edelstein: Website Manager, Journalist, Editor, Marketer

Hazel: Thank you so much for joining us today, Autumn! Let’s get started with the first question!

Hazel: How long have you been a part of HMN?
Autumn:  I have been a part of HMN since May 2024 although I joined the group in April of 2024.

Hazel: Nice! Have you enjoyed your experience so far?
Autumn: I have enjoyed meeting all of my new friends and the sense of belonging I have found.

Hazel: THAT’S EXACTLY HOW I FELT WHEN I FIRST JOINED!!! What motivates you to be a part of this newsgroup?
Autumn: My motivation for the news group is my friends who are in it, and my love for writing and publishing.

Hazel: Simple but sincere! What inspires your chapters?
Autumn: My inspiration for my chapters is I just think about what I would like to read or learn about, and then I try to write detailed works for people to enjoy.

Hazel: That’s good! What inspires your graphics?
Autumn: My graphics are inspired by my first feelings when I read the chapter. I use those feelings to create a meaningful graphic.

Hazel: I like your technique—straight from the heart! If you have more than one role in HMN, which one is your favourite and why? If you have only one, why did you choose that specific role and how much do you enjoy it?
Autumn: This may not count because it is a bit special, but my favorite role in HMN is being the website manager. I create and manage the HMN website, and it is one of my favorite things to do. I find it very therapeutic adding and editing the website.

Hazel: That’s great to hear (AND YOU’RE THE BEST WEBSITE MANAGER EVER!!!) Do you ever find your job stressful?
Autumn: During the school year my job is definitely a lot more stressful, but I persevere and it ends up being ok in the end.

Hazel: Very understandable, I relate. Last but not the least, out of all the chapters in the magazine… which one is your favourite?
Autumn: My favorite chapter of all time is probably anything by Michael I (not being mean or discluding anyone) but his chapters always hit different in my mind because they are very thought provoking and deep.

Hazel: Michael’s chapters are indeed amazing! Thank you so much for your time Autumn!

Michael I: Journalist

Hazel: Thank you so much for joining us today, Michael! Let’s get started with the first question!

Hazel: How long have you been a part of HMN?
Michael: Since February of 2024, so 1 year!

Hazel: That is so awesome! Fun fact guys—Michael is our oldest member (by how long he’s been here) in HMN! Isn’t that cool? And I’m second! Have you enjoyed your experience so far?
Michael: It has been an incredible experience. I have loved working with everyone and it has been incredible.

Hazel: Agreed! What motivates you to be a part of this newsgroup?
Michael: I love to tell stories and share articles with others so that they can share some of the knowledge I give to them.

Hazel: Aww, I love how YOU love sharing knowledge! You’d honestly make a really good professor here on HiH, LOL! What inspires your chapters?
Michael: My chapters are inspired by what I enjoy writing and the stories I want to tell. Every single article I write I am excited to write and look forward to writing each month.

Hazel: Same! If you have more than one role in HMN, which one is your favourite and why? If you have only one, why did you choose that specific role and how much do you enjoy it?
Michael: I chose to be a journalist because I love to write and that is my clear strength as an author in the real world.

Hazel: Woah, I really wish I could read one of your books! Do you ever find your job stressful?
Michael: My job can sometimes be stressful before due dates, but as a whole it is not too challenging.

Hazel: Very VERY real. Last but not the least, out of all the chapters in the magazine… which one is your favourite?
Michael: My favorite chapter was my Magic Around The World articles. I am biased, but I loved writing them.

Hazel: Those MATW articles you used to write were definitely one of the best things that have ever happened to this magazine. Pity they’re gone now, but hey, we still have other amazing articles coming from you! Thank you so much for your time Michael!

Lena Hunt: Proofreader

Hazel: I apologise but I wasn’t able to get an interview with Lena. Sorry!

Sam Diggory: Journalist, Editor

Hazel: Thank you so much for joining us today, Sam! Let’s get started with the first question!

Hazel: How long have you been a part of HMN?
Sam: 2/3 years on HIH, almost a year I think on HMN.

Hazel: Nice! Have you enjoyed your experience so far?
Sam: Yes I have.

Hazel: Great! What motivates you to be a part of this newsgroup?
Sam: It's fun.

Hazel: Agreed, agreed, very much agreed, haha! What inspires your chapters?
Sam: Depends on my mood on what inspires me when I choose to write.

Hazel: Same here! If you have more than one role in HMN, which one is your favourite and why? If you have only one, why did you choose that specific role and how much do you enjoy it?
Sam: Editing as it's nice to see what others have written and add tweaks to make what they have written sound even better.

Hazel: KK! Do you ever find your job stressful?
Sam: Nope.

Hazel: That’s good to hear! And last but not the least, out of all the chapters in the magazine… which one is your favourite?
Sam: Horoscopes - I like seeing how different they change each month.

Hazel: Horoscopes IS certainly interesting! Thank you so much for your time Sam!

Marietta Oizys: Editor, Marketer

Hazel: Thank you so much for joining us today, Marietta! Let’s get started with the first question!

Hazel: How long have you been a part of HMN?
Marietta: Since June of 2024.

Hazel: Nice! Have you enjoyed your experience so far?
Marietta, Yes, absolutely!

Hazel: That’s good to hear Marietta <3 What motivates you to be a part of this newsgroup?
Marietta: The sense of community.

Hazel: Agreed! What inspires your graphics?
Marietta: I usually read the chapter that I'm going to market and then try different things related to the chapter and choose the best idea.

Hazel: It’s good to know you work so hard on your graphics! If you have more than one role in HMN, which one is your favourite and why? If you have only one, why did you choose that specific role and how much do you enjoy it?
Marietta: I have two roles (editor and marketer), but my favorite is marketer because it is the role where I can be more creative.

Hazel: Marketer IS definitely one of my favourite positions too, LOL! Do you ever find your job stressful?
Marietta: Only when I have to edit or market several articles close to their deadlines.

Hazel: Ah, okay, true, true… Last but not the least, out of all the chapters in the magazine… which one is your favourite?
Marietta: I don’t have a favourite.

Hazel: That’s alright! All the chapters are amazing anyway—thank you so much for your time Marietta!

Daphne Clarke: Journalist, Proofreader

Hazel: Thank you so much for joining us today, Daphne! Let’s get started with the first question!

Hazel: How long have you been a part of HMN?
Daphne: I joined HMN in August 2024, so by now I've officially been a part of the news group for 6 months now!

Hazel: Nice! Have you enjoyed your experience so far?
Daphne: Well, I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I really love this group and the people, and I love working with them to create amazing issues every month. I’ve honestly never found another group that’s so supportive and fun to work with, and for that, I’m very grateful ♥

Hazel: *Wipes something from her eyes.* I dunno what just happened, but something got in my eye. What motivates you to be a part of this newsgroup?
Daphne: Since joining, I've made many close friends who make HMN worth it. Knowing that they depend on me is what ultimately motivates me to do my work. Also, our readers! I love to see that people actually read our magazine and look forward to it every month. It makes me want to do my part perfectly for them. And lastly, getting the chance to collaborate and meet new people. It’s truly amazing to work with someone on a topic you’re both passionate about, whether that with someone in the news group or an outsider's perspective!

Hazel: *Wipes something else from her eyes.* What inspires your chapters?
Daphne: Honestly, everything! I take inspiration from things that I've always wanted to learn about or am curious about. When it comes to writing about holidays or important days that aren't very well known, I feel the need to spread the word and inform people of things they've never learned. For example, I wrote a chapter on National Adoption Awareness Month in our 9th Issue, and just getting the chance to write about something that resonated with me (the importance of family) and was important to people made me put my all into it.

Hazel: Aww, that’s really nice Daph <3 If you have more than one role in HMN, which one is your favourite and why? If you have only one, why did you choose that specific role and how much do you enjoy it?
Daphne: I have to say that being a journalist has become my favourite role. Don't get me wrong, proofreading is very rewarding and I love to do it, but being able to show parts of my life and my creativity through my writing is something I'm insanely passionate about. There aren’t many other areas of my life where I get to write about the things that I do at HMN, so it has become a way for me to express myself freely.

Hazel: Relatable, so SO relatable. Do you ever find your job stressful?
Daphne: Of course I do! Sometimes it's hard to balance school and my real job with finding the time to commit to HMN. However, despite this, I love HMN because it doesn't feel like something that is burdening me. School will sometimes feel like a burden or a chore, but writing and proofreading for HMN has never once made me feel that way. At times, there is pressure to meet deadlines and such, but all in all, this job and the community make me happy.

Hazel: Alright! It’s nice to see that writing and proofreading isn’t a burden :D Last but not the least, out of all the chapters in the magazine… which one is your favourite?
Daphne: Okay... this is much harder to answer than I thought. I love all of the chapters, truly, but after some debate, I think my absolute favourite has to be Hogwarts This Month. I always thought that Hogwarts This Month was an extremely important chapter, since for many of our readers, it’s their first impression of the magazine. And after having the chance to write it twice now, I've been very happy to include my own creative twists in it. Just getting the chance to switch it up and try something new has absolutely made it my favourite over time!

Hazel: I LOVE Hogwarts This Month as well. It’s even the second chapter I ever wrote for this magazine. Thank you so much for your time Daphne!

Ross Geary: Proofreader, Marketer

Hazel: Thank you so much for joining us today, Ross! Let’s get started with the first question!

Hazel: How long have you been a part of HMN?
Ross: I think 4 or 5 months.
Hazel: Nice! Have you enjoyed your experience so far?
Ross: Of course. I’ve made so many new friends.

Hazel: That’s so great to hear Ross! What motivates you to be a part of this newsgroup?
Ross: All the amazing people a part of the group.

Hazel: WHY DOES SOMETHING KEEP GETTING IN MY EYE?! If you have more than one role in HMN, which one is your favourite and why? If you have only one, why did you choose that specific role and how much do you enjoy it?
Ross: I’d like to think I see small details that some people overlook. I love reading all of the amazing chapters written by the journalists and editors.

Hazel: Oooh, detective, haha! Do you ever find your job stressful?
Ross: Not really. I usually get my chapters proofread with plenty of time to spare.

Hazel: That’s good!! Last but not the least, out of all the chapters in the magazine… which one is your favourite?
Ross: Shocking News. I’ve been proofreading it for the last 3 or 4 months now and I love it.

Hazel: I honestly have been saying this for every chapter listed so far but I agree! Thank you so much for your time Ross!

Marlee Potter: Journalist, Editor

Hazel: I apologise but I wasn’t able to get an interview with Marlee. Sorry!

Ellie Potter: Proofreader

Hazel: I apologise but I wasn’t able to get an interview with Ellie. Sorry!

To Conclude!...

Thank you so much for reading everyone! Make sure to be productive and have a nice day. Once again…


Written by Hazel Antler.




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