Class notes ( year 1 )
written by julliana jablonski
Here i will summarise each lesson as i learn and write the necessary facts and notes ( It will contain notes on every first year class par from flying lessons)
Last Updated
Charms lesson 1
Chapter 1
Summary : to learn the wand lighting amd extinguishing spell
Degree for reasonable restriciton of underage sorcery was put into place in 1875
Wand lighting spell :
Incantation - Lumos (pronounced Loo-mos)
Wand movement - single counter clockwise circle
Willpower - low
Concentration - low
The wand extinguishing spell:
Incantation - Nox
Wand movement - a single flick
I would just like to note that there will not be notes on the first lessons of HOM or Herbology as they were mostly introductory lessons and didnt have much worth noting down.