Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine Autumn 2024 Issue
Hello, welcome back to our Autumn Issue. Make sure you read through it to find what's been happening at Hogwarts this season. Many new things to learn, and you don't want to miss out. The team and I hope you enjoy!
Last Updated
From our team
Chapter 22
We hope you enjoyed our autumn seasonal issue, and that you read the magazine not ate it. Haha. Just kidding, I always eat writing.
The Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team concludes this second seasonal issue of the Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine by wishing you the best in your future and success in your dreams, from this year and more. Thank you for staying with us throughout all our issues even when we are going absolutely crazy with all the things we have to do, and thank you for the support you give us. Without you, this magazine would not be able to survive. All of you are so enthusiastic, and proud even if we publish late or it’s not perfect. Thank you for understanding, thank you for always being next to us when we are being troubled.
Your joy, smiles, and love is what makes the magazine.
Our members:
Journalists- Kyra Shirley, Dibyarup James Potter, Lola Estrella, Cassia Evergreen, Jean .W.P. Granger, July Potter, Dean.J.Weasley, Elena Potter, Cecilia Malfoy, Adeleina Rosewood, Callista Lovegood, Neilman Goldestein and Mia.
Columnists-Lola Estrella
Cover Designer and Illustrator - Neilman Goldstein
Compiler and Publisher - Kyra Shirley
Publishing Secretary - Jean .W.P. Granger
Rewards and Recognition Manager- Jean W.P. Granger
If you would love to join us in weaving exuberance for the inhabitants of Hogwarts Castle, please do not hesitate to volunteer by sending an owl to Compiler and Publisher, Kyra Shirley. Alternatively, you may also drop into "The Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine Office", which you can reach by any of the means mentioned further below on this page.
Our office is accessible via the Floo Network. Connect to our fireplace by saying "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" loud and clear among the "Groups & Clubs" of Hogwarts. If you would rather travel by portkey, here's one left by us with love for you: -
Our fireplace is registered with the Ministry of Magic and is regularly maintained. Our portkey is legal and completely safe for use.
Check out our next issue coming on January 31st 2024.