Second Years Guide to Ace Astronomy: A Study Guide

written by Lily Lavender

This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for ASTR-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!

Last Updated






Astronomy Glossary

Chapter 1

Annular Eclipse ⊱ When the Moon is smaller than the Sun, a ring of light shines around the Moon’s edges.

Antumbra ⊱ Sunlight is visible on all sides of the Moon.

A Ring ⊱ The ring nearest to the planet.

Astronomy Magical Effect Quotient ⊱ Also known as the A.M.E.

Baily’s Beads ⊱ Where the Sun is visible before full coverage. This occurs right before & right after a total solar eclipse.

Deflection ⊱ When an object has mass, it will create light that bends around it.

Earthshine ⊱ The light from the Sun which is mirrored from Earth which bounces towards the Moon.

Eclipse ⊱ Either a body blocks directly or blocks another body from view.

Far Side ⊱ The side that faces away from the Earth.

F Ring ⊱ The ring farthest to the planet.

Galilean Moons ⊱ The four biggest moons of Jupiter. They consist of Io, Europa, Callisto, & Ganymeade.

Highlands ⊱ The light areas of the Moon which are jagged. This has high magical albedo.

Hunter's Blue Moon ⊱ A second Full Mon in October, where the first Full Moon is the Harvest Moon.

Inner Planets ⊱ This consists of Venus, Mercury, Mars, & Earth.

Isotope ⊱ Different celestial objects that have the same type of element.

Lunar Eclipse ⊱ The Earth's shadow blocks the view of the Moon.

Lunascope ⊱ A magical gadget that can foretell the Moon's phases in a cycle.

Lycanthropy ⊱ An illness caused by werewolf saliva touching human flesh & blood. This illness has no cure.

Mare ⊱ The Moon’s surface that are darkened have lower altitude with low albedo.

Mooncalf Dung ⊱ A type of fertilizer to help grow magical plants.

Near Side ⊱ type of fertilizer to help grow magical plants.

Nianshu ⊱ A magical creature.

Nixhook Coral ⊱ A type of coral that changes color within the main phases of the Moon.

Occultation ⊱ A larger body moving in front of a smaller body. For example, Jupiter is occulted by the Moon.

Outer Planets ⊱ Also known as the gas giants. This consists of Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, & Uranus.

Penumbra ⊱ Part of sunlight is blocked by the Moon.

Polyjuice Potion ⊱ A potion brewed a month prior to use. It makes the person transform into another person by ingesting it.

Shepherd Moons ⊱ Moons which orbit around rings to aid in shaping the rings.

Solar Eclipse ⊱ Similar to an occultation. The Moon is between the Earth & the Sun.

Syzygy ⊱ At least three astronomical objects that align straight.

Transit ⊱ A smaller body moving in front of a larger body. For example, IO transits Jupiter.

Umbra ⊱ Sunlight is completely blocked by the Moon.

Veritaserum ⊱ A potion brewed a month prior to use. It makes a person tell the truth in their point of view.

Werewolf ⊱ Humans who transform into a wolf every Full Moon.

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