The Ultimate Fourth Years Guide to Ancient Studies
Learn all about the course Ancient Studies - 401, or known as ANST - 401, and learn all about the nine lessons in a short study guide to help you ace the class.
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Lesson 1) Introduction: Magic vs. Religion and Shifting Boundaries
Chapter 2
Lets begin with learning about lesson 1: teaching about the difference between magic and religion. This opener to the course is really incredible. For the first chunk of the lesson, you will be learning about Professor Salvatrix, the course outline, and more. It isn't until around halfway through the lesson when you will start learning about the main point of this lesson.
First, lets look at the definitions of magic and religion below:
Magic: The art of producing a desired effect or result by connecting with and channeling the energies around us through spells, enchantments, and other manipulations.
Religion: A particular system of faith and worship.
Knowing these definitions well will prove very helpful as you move into this year of Ancient Studies. Magic, as stated in the lesson, is incorperated within many religious practices, but is not a religion itself. Magic is included in religion, but not a religion on its own.
There is not much to discuss for this lesson, so I will now just walk you through the two assignments for this lesson. For your Magic and Religion essay, make sure you define magic and religion without using the definitions from the lesson or the ones I just put above. Then, use an example to explain how magic has been used in religion but is not the same thing as religion. Tell a story from a religion, or some sort of mythology. It could be a story of a demigod using powers in Greek mythology or something similar, but make sure it makes sense and it has a distinct difference between the two.
For your Where in the World essay, simply explain what types of things you are excited to learn about this year. Explain reasons why you are excited to take this class and some interesting facts and things you want to learn. So you can know a bit, this year is Africa (Egypt, Mesopotamia), next year is Europe (Greece, Rome, Celts, Norse), then is America (Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, etc), and then is Asia (Japan, China, India, etc). Mention maybe one or two things you are excited to learn about throughout the years and mention why.
Then, after that, you should be done with lesson 1!