Third Years Guide to Ace Potions: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for PTNS-301. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
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Lesson Four: Potions Lab Allergy Elixir Study Guide
Chapter 6
This style of the potion is made in pewter cauldrons & uses Celsius temperature.
Alexandros Papadakis invented the Allergy Elixir in 1893. He wanted to help alleviate the symptoms of Hay Fever with nettles & a tiny amount of butterfly wings. In 1898, he altered the potion & used Billywig Stings.
Estimated Brewing Time (EBT): 1 hour, 50 seconds
⊱ 1L of water
⊱ 3 tbsp of eucalyptus oil
⊱ 2 tbsp of honey
⊱ 2 tbsp of Flobberworm Mucus
⊱ 4 dried Billywig Stings
⊱ 1 mandrake root
⊱ 6 fairy wings
⊱ 3 eel eyes
1. Add 1L of water & heat to 90 degrees Celsius. Add 3 fairy wings & 4 Billywig Stings to the mortar & pestle. Crush into a powder.
2. Add 2 measures (tablespoon) of the crushed powder & 1 measure (tablespoon) of eucalyptus oil to the cauldron. Stir once clockwise.
3. Add 2 measures (tablespoon) of honey & heat to 110 degrees Celsius for 35 seconds. Decrease heat to 90 degrees Celsius & add 3 measures (tablespoons) of crushed powder to the cauldron.
4. Stir four times counterclockwise & brew for 30 minutes. The potion’s color should be a deep navy blue with no smokey color.
5. Add 1 sliced Mandrake root & 3 eel eyes to the cauldron. Heat to 110 degrees Celsius for 15 seconds, & decrease heat to 90 degrees Celsius.
6. Stir once counterclockwise & add 2 measures (tablespoon) of eucalyptus oil. Stir three times clockwise.
7. Brew for 25 minutes. The Potion’s color should be a red-orange color with a pale green smoke. It will smell like mentholate.
Usage Notes
If desired, use Flobberworm Mucus. Store the Allergy Elixir in a dark, cool place in a tinted vial. It can be stored up to five months. Use by ingesting or sipping it in a tea. When ingested by itself, it will have a musty grass & peppermint taste. This potion does not aid in rashes. Take daily as needed. Do not use more than once daily as it can cause jitteriness, dizziness, a pounding heart, & lightheadedness. This potion may rarely cause a blue or green rash on the neck or face.
Allergic Reactions & Lacerations
Some severe allergic reactions are hives & rashes. Rash ointments can include Dittany, crushed butterfly wings, & lionfish spines. Skin ulcers can turn into gangrene, which can lead to amputation. The Flesh-Rejuvenation Potion & Skin-Growing Potion can be used to treat ulcers before amputation occurs. There can be magical & non-magical lacerations. Moths & powdered rose quartz are used in these potions. The Chinese Chomping Cabbage is used in Skele-Gro.
Fun Facts
⊱ Pufferfish, jellyfish, Essence of Dittany, powdered sulfur, & scarab beetles are also used in Skele-Gro.
⊱ Witch hazel is an ingredient which is used to treat an allergic reaction.
⊱ The Chinese Chomping Cabbage, snake fangs, & scarab beetles are used in bone repair bone structures, but it is very painful.
⊱ Some magical effects to using serums include spasms, bubbles through the nose or throat, & singing on impulse.