Third Years Guide to Ace Potions: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for PTNS-301. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Potions Glossary
Chapter 1
Alexandros Papadakis ⊱ A potioneer who created the Allergy Elixir.
Apigenin ⊱ A natural chemical that aids in relaxation. This chemical is found in chamomile.
Aromatherapy ⊱ Oils & scents are used to promote balance & relaxation.
Atrophic Scars ⊱ Also known as the ice-pick scar. Acne or the chicken pox can cause this type of scar.
Benigno De Santis ⊱ A potioneer who aided in creating a milder Calming Draught.
Black Hellebore ⊱ A plant also known as Helleborus Niger or the Christmas Rose.
Chamomile ⊱ Also known as Matricaria Chamomilla.
Clotting Cordial ⊱ Creates proteins by magical means to aid the body in healing wounds.
Cordycepin ⊱ A non-magic compound that interacts with other ingredients to increase healing. It aids in healing cancer, asthma, renal failure, arthritis, & stroke damage.
DID ⊱ Dissociative identity disorder.
Dittany ⊱ Also known as Origanum Dictamnus Magus.
European Viper ⊱ Also known as the Vipera Berus.
Factor VIII ⊱ A type of protein to aid in blood clotting.
Factor IX ⊱ A type of protein to aid in blood clotting.
Food Bdus (Boli) ⊱ Seeds, fruit pits, gum, & shellac packed tightly together.
Gerhard Bumblesnitcher ⊱ A potioneer who created the Antidote to Common Poisons.
Glover Hipworth ⊱ A potioneer who invented the Pepperup Potion.
Haemophilia ⊱ A disorder that makes healing cuts or bruises difficult than normal.
Hay Fever ⊱ A type of allergic reaction.
Helicobactor Pylori ⊱ An infection that can cause ulcers.
Hemikrania ⊱ Translates to half skull.
Hippocrates of Kos ⊱ A physician from the fifth century B.C.E who was Greek.
Hippocratic Oath ⊱ The oath to perform bioethical commitments according to a good level of judgement.
Histamine ⊱ Makes the capillary walls relax so cells can go through easier.
Hives ⊱ Red bumps on the skin that are itchy, swollen, & can be painful at times.
Humors ⊱ A theory of which causes an imbalance to bodily fluids that links with disorders.
Hypertrophic Scars ⊱ Scars that heal by flattening & have paler skin. This happens over a period of time.
Immunoelixir ⊱ A vitamin elixir that aids in building up your immune system.
Infusion of Hemlock ⊱ Also known as Conium Maculatum.
Keloid Scars ⊱ Scars that are raised & are usually red.
Lavender ⊱ Also known as Lavandula.
Loki Gunderson ⊱ A Swedish potioneer who invented the Bruise Removal Paste.
Lycanthropy ⊱ A magical illness that causes one to turn into a werewolf through the transmission of blood & saliva.
Lymph Nodes ⊱ Organs that maintains the immune system.
Mithridatism ⊱ Taking poison in small dosages over time to build immunity.
Osmosis ⊱ Water molecules move from a high concentration to low concentration.
Paracelsus ⊱ A alchemist that invented Parseltongue.
Peptic Ulcers ⊱ Agonizing sores on the stomach lining due to a disproportionate amount of digestive liquids in the stomach.
Poison ⊱ A substance which interfers living cells or by chemically altering a substance.
PTSD ⊱ Post-traumatic stress disorder.
Rubens Winikus ⊱ A potioneer who discovered the Skele-Gro potion.
Saint Mungo Bonham ⊱ The founder of St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies & Injuries.
Thorsten Pfeffer ⊱ A Seeker on the German Quidditch team.
Toxicology ⊱ The study of poisons & how it effects organisms.
Toxic Shock Syndrome ⊱ A reaction to infections which causes vomiting, rashes, fever, confusion, muscle pain, & seizures. Also known as TSS.
Velnamele Pepper ⊱ Also known as Latvian or Devil’s Tongue. It is long, green, & has either an orange or red tip.
Wolfsbane ⊱ Also known as monkshood & aconite.
Zygmunt Budge ⊱ Author of the Book of Potions.