Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 6)
Hello readers! What a strange month it has been, what with all the HiH blackouts - oops, sorry, I mean what a strange 2 months it's been! You may be wondering, "why are there 2 months combined into 1 issue right now?" Well, it's something to do with recent HiH blackouts. But to find out more, just read on and delve into another fascinating issue of Hogwarts Monthly News, filled with sharks, perfected with stories and made with pride. (1 Copy = 3 Sickles)
Last Updated
What Does Your Patronus Have To Say About You?
Chapter 24
When Muggles think of animals, they think of cats, dogs, and maybe even horses. But when wizards or witches think of animals, we think of the magical, silvery spirits known as Patronuses. These are meant to guide you and fend off unwanted monsters (Dementors, I’m looking at you). In this article, we’re going to take a deep dive into what your magical spirit animal says about you!
We’re going to start small, with the Patronus of the Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter himself: the stag. The stag is given to someone who is a leader and has many leadership qualities. It is referred to as a protector and is always looking out for others. The stag is a symbol of strength. Owners of this Patronus are known for their heroism, nobility, and loyalty. Witches and wizards who produce this Patronus take pride in their actions and never look back… is it starting to sound familiar to you?
The stag’s antlers can grow back, showing regeneration of life. This symbolises the fact that witches and wizards that produce this Patronus can be whoever they want to be, with a little hard work, just like Harry Potter.
Patronuses are fascinating creatures. Their shape is completely based on the spellcaster and their personality. Your Patronus is the creature that you can completely connect with… they know you better than anyone you will ever meet, so why not try to get to know them?
Written by: Charlie Windfellow
Edited by: Autumn Aschinger
Proofread by: Lena Hunt