Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 6)
Hello readers! What a strange month it has been, what with all the HiH blackouts - oops, sorry, I mean what a strange 2 months it's been! You may be wondering, "why are there 2 months combined into 1 issue right now?" Well, it's something to do with recent HiH blackouts. But to find out more, just read on and delve into another fascinating issue of Hogwarts Monthly News, filled with sharks, perfected with stories and made with pride. (1 Copy = 3 Sickles)
Last Updated
Friendship Day
Chapter 15
You’re on the doorstep of your house, head bowed, tears slowly trickling down your cheeks. You weren’t accepted into the leadership team for school. You try to ignore the truth, but it chokes you worse than a hangman’s rope. That’s when your phone chimes from your pocket, and you take it out, still sniffling.
“I know you’re feeling sad over there, Hazel,” your friend texts. “Don’t be. Not everyone can get into the leadership team. You’re still an amazing friend!”
You smile and wipe your tears away. Your friends are always there to cheer you up. They always will be.
Okay, I'm leaving the anecdote now. Hello readers! I’m here to guide you through Friendship Day, which is undoubtedly one of the most important celebrations ever.
Friendship Day falls on the 30th of July every year. It is a day on which we celebrate our strong bonds and friendships with one another. It is also an international holiday, so it is celebrated all over the globe.
Here are some of my ideas of things you can do on this day:
1. Make friendship bracelets!
2. Make a friend journal, in which you store all your friends’ names and why you’re so grateful for every one of them.
3. Hang out with your friends on this day - perhaps you could eat some ice cream together, or go to the park after school!
4. Have fun with some board games - it doesn’t matter who wins!
5. Make a TikTok together. Go on, have a good laugh whilst dancing!
Just remember, readers: friends are important! They make you laugh, smile, and be happy. They’re always there for you, in the saddest and happiest moments. A friend isn’t someone who you’ve known for a long time. It’s someone who’s stepped into your life and said “I’m here for you, whether you like it or not.”
Thank you for reading! Have a nice day!
Written by: Hazel Antler
Edited by: Marietta Oizys
Proofread by: Sara Rowan