You Are My Missing Light

Hello there, this is a story about the famous Ship: Dramione. The golden trio is coming back to Hogwarts but they are having some problems, ¿How will their story end? Read to know it! By the way if you like it and you wish to write a book with me I would love that so feel free to owl me. I'm going to try to update and write a new chapter every week, enjoy!

Last Updated






A Kind of Problematic Party

Chapter 2

The party started at 2:30 in the afternoon. All the guests arrived, not one of them missing, George and Angelina, Bill and Fleur, Seamus, Dean, Cho, Luna, Neville, Lavander and even Professor McGonagall.

Everything was going well and calmly. Everyone was having fun, until Seamus saw a person in a black suit approaching the party.

"Hey, is anyone missing?" I ask Ginny and Harry.

"No, everyone has already arrived, why?" Harry replied.

"Because I think here comes Malfoy." Seamus pointed at the approaching boy.

When he said the name Malfoy, everyone stopped what they were doing, the laughter stopped, the noise fell silent and everyone stopped to check if it was Draco Malfoy. At that moment when everyone stood up, the Butterbeer that Hermione was drinking spilled on her dress. She stood up and said to Ginny,

"I have to change, I'll be right back"

"Okay but hurry."

Hermione ran upstairs and opened her closet. The only dress she had was a summer dress that reached her knees and was mint green. Ron didn't like this one very much either but he didn't have all the time in the world to go looking for clothes so he put it on and quickly went downstairs. She was almost down when Arthur Weasley let Draco Malfoy into the Burrow. He watched Hermione come down with her green dress and smiled slightly as he looked down. She saw him and tried to smile. Then Arthur approached Hermione and said in a low voice,

"Malfoy says he needs to talk to you, he says it's important, do you want to talk to him?"

"Yes, I want to see what you have to say, thank you" She turned to look at him and approached him while he lowered his head. "Come with me" She said while gesturing with her hand for him to follow her. Arthur Weasley left for the party to calm down everyone who had seen Malfoy while Hermione and Draco took Draco into the living room.

"And well, it's been a long time since we talked... well, if arguing can be called 'talking'. What do you need? It must be very important for you to have come here and for you to want to talk to... me. "

He looked up and saw her strangely, "With you? Does he have to want to talk to you?"

"Oh, nothing is that you called me during our entire time at Hogwarts a..." she was interrupted by Malfoy's words.

"I know and... I'm sorry. That's one of the reasons I came, to apologize to you. I know I called you a 'mudblood' and I know we never had a good relationship but after the war, after everything What we went through, I realized that my beliefs were in the wrong direction. I was reckless, discriminating, evil and I was a fool. And I fully understood all of that when I saw you being tortured by my disquisitive aunt Bellatrix. Blood is not what defines us completely but also our actions. My family, being pureblood, made many bad decisions and that tarnished our reputation and it did not help them much in our sixth year by letting the Death Eaters in. Meanwhile, you, being one. Born of Muggles and of dirty blood, you are the best witch of your time, very intelligent and incredibly good..., good." He lowered his gaze again to end up looking at his feet.

"'Good'? Malfoy, I can tell you were going to say something else, what was it?" He responded as he stared at him.

"Nothing..., the point is that I'm apologizing, what I want most is to be given another chance and I know it won't be easy for them to give it to me but I just believe that I have changed and that... I can be a better person." "

"I'll tell you what, you made my life miserable at Hogwarts during our years there, but Harry told me that it wasn't all your fault and I can see that you're not the same stupid, arrogant boy you once were, so I forgive you." and I will give you a second chance." She approached him and hugged him, something he didn't expect and it was a gesture he never got from his father.

"T-thank you Granger."

"You're welcome," she walked away and invited him to sit down. "Now, what was the other reason you came?"

"Oh? Oh yes, has your Hogwarts letter arrived yet?"

"Not yet, why?"

"Well, mine didn't arrive, rather yours arrived" -he gave him a letter with a purple stamp.- "read who it is for" he told him. She opened it because this time she had no direction outside.

Miss H. Granger

The room shared with Ginny Weasley

The Burrow.

"It's for me, not you, how could McGonagall have made a mistake?"

"I have no idea, but if you don't get my letter, I don't know what I'm going to do..." At that same moment, an owl arrived at the living room window with a letter from Hogwarts.

"That will be your letter, Malfoy," Hermione told him as she took the letter from the owl's beak and handed it to him.

"Yes yes it's mine"

The two letters said the same thing:

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

We are very honored to name him in charge of the perfects this year. His job will be very simple and calm as long as he makes everyone follow the rules.

1.) Take the new perfects a week before to their training.

2.) See that no one breaks the rules.

3.) Monitor the perfect ones from time to time to make sure they are doing well.

You will not be alone in this task. He will also be with the person in charge of the perfects, Hermione Granger. I would like to see you in my office the day you arrive at Hogwarts so we can talk a little and so that you can talk among yourselves.

Headmistress McGonagall.

"It means we'll be in this together Malfoy, I'm glad we're okay now."

"Yes, I'm very happy too, Granger, emm, I'd better go, I don't want to take up your time, by the way, I like how that color looks on you. Green looks very pretty on you." With that, he left. and Hermione was left thinking about what he had just said. Did Draco Malfoy really just give him a compliment? she could not believe it. She left the house towards the party and everyone was already dancing. Krum approached Hermione and took her hand,

"Would you like to dance with me? You know for old times' sake."

"Of course!" The two went out dancing remembering their fourth year and how they had become great friends.

Then, Hermione left the ball and went to drink butterbeer and ran into Ron who could tell in her eyes that he wasn't happy, not one bit.

"Because you were dancing with Krum?" I asked him sharply.

"We were just dancing to have fun, can't I be with the rest of my friends because of your jealousy?" Hermione was already fed up with Ron's jealous actions and him not trusting her and her integrity.

"Ugh! Just do me a favor and get away from him and stop talking to him, okay?"

"Just so you're well informed, you can't decide who or what I don't talk to!"

"You're too naive Hermione, all she wants is to take you and you're MY girlfriend!"

"How dare you Ronald Weasley!? I'm not someone's property, I'm a person and I have feelings too! Viktor is just my friend!" She already had tears in her eyes and held her wand firmly even though she didn't want to feel the need to use it.

"Right? Well, friends don't dance together or be together all the time!"

"You know what? I'm fed up, I can't handle you anymore, I'm not going to take any more of you. Ron Weasley, you and I are done!" With this she pointed her wand at him and cast the stupefy spell. She ran out of there and didn't leave her room for the rest of the day.


Author's note:

I apologize for uploading this chapter piece by piece, I will try to write it by chapter and not by paragraphs. I hope you are liking it. Thank you to everyone who has been reading this book. <3

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