Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine Summer 2024 Issue
Make sure you read our Summer issue to find out all that has been happening at Hogwarts and much more!! And this time, it's not just skillful writers taking the lead, but we have our amazing artists that have joined in too! What are you waiting for? The time of your life is right here!
Last Updated
Breaking News at Hogwarts
Chapter 3
The disappearance of Hogwarts….
This summer has been a little disastrous, and would you like to know why? Oh, it’s a pity. Yes, you may have guessed it by now. HiH was down for three days from March 28th-March 31st. It felt like a great, big loss! Though, you mustn't fear! This is only because HiH was under maintenance and they did get it working in the end.
But that’s not all of it…
On the 13th of June, something horrible happened. Ok, not that horrible. No, a dementor didn’t come storming into the castle. That must’ve cleared your mind a little. And no, the dormitories didn’t go on fire. Overall, I think we’re safe. It was something unbelievable, something that you could only dream of: HiH was down for 7 WHOLE days. Of course, this wasn’t very enjoyable for people who go on HiH regularly or people who have important roles. However, let’s look on the positive side! This means HiH was getting fixed, and improved so we wouldn’t have any trouble when using it.
Oh no, it looks like I’ve got more…
Yes, more blackouts!! It has been a little bizarre since our last issue, and I hope these blackouts won’t last a lot longer, because, as for a lot of you, I always start to miss Hogwarts if it’s off for a few days. Let’s hope for the best!!
During these blackouts, they sure made it obvious that they are changing a few things. Before July, we always knew how many owls we had because it showed a little number over the envelope symbol. Now, there is only a red circle showing us that we have owls but just doesn’t say how many! Another thing that I’ve noticed is that it tells us when we have been signed in which can be very useful at times!! Something that I’ve only just noticed a few days ago, is that you are able to delete your account. I definitely don’t want to delete my account but for those who do are now able to! We see a lot of accounts that say “INACTIVE” or “offline” and many more ways of saying that they are not using HiH anymore. Instead of trying to tell everyone that they have left, they can just leave themselves. This will definitely come in hand to many witches and wizards.
It looks like these annoying and devastating blackouts have ended with great results!! Let’s see if there will be any new additions to improve HiH coming out in the future.
Now, it comes to the professors. I know that a lot of you, well, most of you, prefer to hear some happy news about them!! Unfortunately, today I’m only going to deliver to you some extremely downhearted news. This news is strongly for the cunning Slytherins. Slytherin? I hear you ask.
Yes, with tears in my eyes, I am announcing to you that Professor Penrose has retired and is no longer Head of Slytherin. Even though this news breaks many of our hearts, we must wish him a very good future, because he has worked unbelievably hard, and we should all agree that he needs a rest.
Though let's congratulate the new head of Slytherin, Professor Salvatrix!!! Make sure to warn her how much fun she is going to have!
Looks like there is no more news to tell, but make sure to keep exploring the castle!