Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 5)
Hello readers! May has come and gone. What a wonderful month has it been, what with so many celebrations and students enjoying themselves. However, not everyone's smiling. Sienna Lockwood, the hardworking founder of Hogwarts Monthly News, has retired. There have been some other departs too. I won't say anything else, though. You've got to keep on reading. Nevertheless, the team worked tirelessly, aiming for another amazing issue of Hogwarts Monthly News... And here it is! Enjoy reading!
Last Updated
Quick Updates To The Magazine
Chapter 22
Now, you might all be thinking - what in Merlin? What is the point of this chapter, quick updates to the magazine? Now, now, no need to worry. We’re simply introducing an additional system.
There are two major updates. Number one is how the process of magazine writing goes. The second update is a bit more complicated. I’ll explain later.
So, let’s get started! Before, the order for magazine writing would be as follows:
A journalist writes a chapter.
They post the initial draft.
The editor then edits the initial draft.
The journalist implements the agreed edits and posts a final draft.
The proofreader proofreads the final draft.
The publishing secretary/Owner implements proofreading and compiles chapters.
HOWEVER, in light of the new positions of the magazine higher-ups, AKA me, publishing secretary, Ivy the assistant secretary, and Hazel as the new owner, we wanted to make a little change to this.
You see, when a journalist posts the initial draft and the editor does blah blah blah, same with the proofreader, the publishing secretary puts all these chapters in a document. But they have to update them as they go, which can be largely confusing, along with having to gather all the edits and proofreading. So, the new order is as follows:
Journalist writes chapter
Journalist posts initial draft for editor
Journalist implements edits
Journalist posts final draft for proofreader
Journalist implements the proofreading by themselves
Journalist posts the final done chapter and only then we copy it into the chapter doc
This way, I know it seems extremely heavy on journalists, but that’s only the way it’s written. All the journalist is doing is writing the chapter, posting drafts, and implementing the edits and proofreading. It just makes everything much more organised and this will of course make the magazine function smoother.
Not so major, right? Pretty simple. The next part, though…might get confusing.
We are extremely, exuberantly, overjoyed to introduce…A payment system! No, not real money. I wish - I’m broke too, guys!
But I digress. The new payment system will ensure that cheques are doled out to every single member of the magazine - who works that month, of course.
The way it works is that there is a fixed rate of 7 sickles per job that the staff member does. This is not dependent on the type of job. For example, if I proofread 4 chapters, wrote 3 chapters, and marketed 2 chapters, that is 9 jobs. So I would get 63 sickles in my paycheck.
But of course, where do we get our money from? Well, that’s a mighty fine question! We have decided that the price of one magazine (1 read) will be 3 sickles. Therefore, when we publish the magazine’s issue, on the last day of every following month, we will take the total reads of that month’s issue and multiply that by 10 knuts. Hence, for example, if we have 200 reads we will have 200*3 sickles equals 600 sickles.
We also currently have a savings log implemented. Half the savings will be utilised in emergency purposes when we don’t have enough money for payments and the other half will simply be savings. The Treasurer will calculate the payments for the staff and create the cheques. On the 28th of the following month, it’s payday!
The Treasurer will be me, Sara Rowan. Me and Hazel are so, so excited to present this system to you and we will refine it more and more as the months go on as we forge a new path for the Hogwarts Monthly News.
If there are any questions, let me or Hazel know!
Written by Sara Rowan
Edited by Hazel Emory Antler
Proofread by Sara Rowan