Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 5)
Hello readers! May has come and gone. What a wonderful month has it been, what with so many celebrations and students enjoying themselves. However, not everyone's smiling. Sienna Lockwood, the hardworking founder of Hogwarts Monthly News, has retired. There have been some other departs too. I won't say anything else, though. You've got to keep on reading. Nevertheless, the team worked tirelessly, aiming for another amazing issue of Hogwarts Monthly News... And here it is! Enjoy reading!
Last Updated
Advertising Chapter
Chapter 20
Hello, everyone! I hope that all of you have experienced a lovely May, what with so many vivid celebrations around. I know you all love reading these issues of Hogwarts Monthly News, but have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes? Would YOU like to be a part of our magazine?
Are you a passionate writer, or do you have a knack for spotting even the tiniest errors? Do you like creating cool graphics or making sentences sound more descriptive? Well, our magazine might be the perfect place for you to exercise your talents!
A while ago, we introduced a new role of Editor and there are still loads of spots left. We are still looking for more people to join the team. Who knows, this could be you!
Here are the jobs available:
-Journalists: They write the chapters! You don't always have to write the fixed chapters, sometimes you can get creative and make up a chapter of your own as well!
-Proofreaders: They proofread a journalist's chapter after it is edited, looking for the smallest mistakes to correct them.
-Editors: After the journalist is done, the editors can edit the chapter and make the sentences as descriptive and beautiful as they want!
-Marketers: They create cool graphics to advertise chapters in each issue!
If you want to join, feel free to owl Hazel Emory Antler, or send a request to join the Hogwarts Monthly News group. If you send a request first, she'll make sure to owl you, or either our amazing publishing or assistant secretaries, Sara Rowan and Ivy Dewdrop respectively, will do so!
Here's a portkey to Hazel's wall, from there you can owl her: https://www.hogwartsishere.com/1492329/
Here's another one to the magazine’s private office:
Thanks so much for reading- I really hope you think about joining because we all would wholeheartedly welcome you into the team!
Written by Xyryx Mooncrest
Edited by Hazel Emory Antler
Proofread by Sara Rowan