First Year Herbology Notes
written by Elizabeth Wonders
There you go, your brand-new notes for Herbology 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)
Last Updated
Lesson 5) Basic Blooms: Part I
Chapter 5
- Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a perennial herb with sedative properties
- Both the roots and sprigs of Valerian can be used in potions and remedies
- Valerian prefers acidic soil and requires at least seven hours of sunlight
- The roots are effective in calming draughts and sleeping potions
- The sprigs are used in sleeping potions and can repel dogs
- Lilies (genus Lilium) come in a variety of colors and shapes
- True lilies grow from bulbs and prefer soil with a pH balance between 5.5 and 6.5
- Lilies are known for their poisonous properties and can be harmful to cats and Kneazles
- Some lilies can be used to regulate heart rate and treat burns
- The Growth-Starting Charm was developed by Calla Evora in the early 1900s
- It is weaker than the Herbivicus Charm, but simpler and gentler on plants
- The spell causes a small boost in growth, but effects are not instantaneous
- Using too much willpower can exhaust the plant and cause it to wither and die
- Best used when time is short or as a last-ditch attempt for dying plants
- Adjust plant care accordingly after casting the spell
- Works best on plants that grow from bulbs and those that react well to magic in general
- Use Growth-Starting Charm starts growth