Potions notes
written by Artemisia Le Fay
All potions notes that i will take. i know that lesson 7 notes are after lesson 8. It is because I managed to lose three version of notes on lesson 7 before finally managing to save this version, but by that time i had already written lesson 8 notes. Soooo, sorry?
Last Updated
PTNS-101: Lesson 1 (introduction)
Chapter 1
- a potion is defined as a magical mixture that combines both magical and mundane ingredients.
- Only witch or wizard can ingest/apply potion
- muggle exposure causes unusual and deadly reactions
- Bf International statute of secrecy in 1689, muggles & wizards lived together
- muggles might've been more tolerant to potions
- Ancient muggle and wizard accounts have shamans and priests creating love potions
- After SoS, muggles continued taking advantage of potions
- some sold useless liquid for high prices
- some were vitamin-rich minerals and nutrients boosting memory and cognition
- others included ineffective and occasionally harmful ingredients that may have even exacerbated the symptoms
- The term “snake oil salesman” still applies to those Muggles who sell goods with false information about their effectiveness, particularly “Cure-All” liquid remedies of no use.
- some sold useless liquid for high prices
- seperation of muggles and wizards have caused whatever tolerance that muggles had for potions to dissipate