Hogwarts Monthly Magazine February 2024 Valentine's Special Issue
Ahh, February, the month of love. It was in the air throughout the month, and almost no one was immune to the vibe. The tension was palpable, and the excitement was sky-high. If you spent the month balancing between trying to be a good student and falling prey to bittersweet romantic thoughts, don't worry; you weren't alone. Catch a glimpse of the mystique of the romantic month of February at Hogwarts, welcome the spring season full of pretty blossoms knocking at your door with open arms, and discover a lot more through this last monthly issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine, while you simultaneously reminisce about your lovey-dovey February shenanigans.
Last Updated
From Our Team
Chapter 22
Hello Students, Staff, and Spirits,
We hope that you basked in the lovely glow of Valentine's month while wallowing in the pages that we crafted for you and put together in this last monthly issue of our magazine and are as excited as we are for the warmer days and attractive blossoms that are soon going to adorn the Hogwarts grounds. Cheers!
The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team concludes this last monthly issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine by wishing you success in your endeavors and great luck in your romantic life for all of 2024 and beyond. We hope you continue to be loved and blessed, now and forever. Thank you for unwaveringly staying with us throughout all of our monthly issues as enthusiastic readers and making us feel loved, wanted, and cherished through your unending support. It was because of you that we managed to keep our spirits up while we spun together tales of love and beauty each and every day. We appreciate you cheering us on with your soulful presence and for making our efforts seem fruitful by choosing to read our magazine each and every month from the Hogwarts Library. Although we are extremely saddened at the prospect of our next publication being a really long time away, we promise that we will leave no stone unturned in pursuing our hard work towards bringing you delightful entertainment and amusing tidings throughout the varied and colorful seasons at Hogwarts in the form of the Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring Issues of the Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine. We hope that you will continue to support us in our seasonal journey as we carouse through and pen down the unique charms of each season by picking up our upcoming seasonal issues from the Hogwarts Library with equal gusto and love.
Your joy is what makes us smile and brightens our days as we spend time in our Editorial and Publishing Office.
We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves while we sat in our office for one last time, threading together the pages of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine. Our team this month consisted of:
Journalists - Hiya Debnath (2nd year Gryffindor witch), Freya Carita Amets (1st year Gryffindor witch), Eleanor Raven (1st year Gryffindor witch), Kyra (1st year Gryffindor witch), Noah Ardof (1st year Hufflepuff wizard), Nessa Taylor (1st year Ravenclaw witch), and Charlotte Maywood (1st year Ravenclaw witch).
Editors - Hiya Debnath (Editor-in-Chief), Noah Ardof, and Freya Carita Amets.
Proof-readers - Elizabeth Wonders (1st year Ravenclaw witch), Lily Dumbledore (1st year Ravenclaw witch), and Hazel Whitlock (1st year Ravenclaw witch).
Cover Designer and Illustrator - Celestia Carrow (1st year Hufflepuff witch).
Compiler and Publisher - Hiya Debnath.
Publishing Secretary - olivia..
Marketer - Hazel Whitlock.
Sales Manager - Charlotte Maywood.
We hope that we succeeded in creating joie de vivre for our precious readers for one last time prior to transitioning into the Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine, the inaugural issue of which, the Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine Summer 2024 Issue, will be published on July 31 in the Hogwarts Library for our usual price of 20 Knuts only. We are looking forward to the soulful blessings of our valuable readers.
Meanwhile, we would love to welcome a few extra hands to help set up the pillars for building a brand new office that can bear the weight of the changing seasons while we scratch our quills on bundles of parchment, trying to immortalize the unique quirks of each season at Hogwarts. If you would love to join us in weaving exuberance for the inhabitants of Hogwarts Castle, please do not hesitate to volunteer by sending an owl to Compiler and Publisher, Hiya Debnath. Alternatively, you may also drop into "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office", which you can reach by any of the means mentioned further below on this page.
We would also like to request that our adorable readers drop into our office and provide their precious feedback on our magazine or chat with us about anything and everything over a mug of our best-brewed warm coffee. Anything our readers say is of the utmost importance to us and held by us in the highest regard. Dearest Readers, your wish is our command. There is no Fidelius Charm on our little, comfortable location, and our doors are always left open for you to enter and bless us with your graceful and inspiring presence. One of us will always be around to welcome you as soon as you arrive.
Our office is accessible via the Floo Network. Connect to our fireplace by saying "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" loud and clear among the "Groups & Clubs" of Hogwarts. If you would rather travel by portkey, here's one left by us with love for you: -
Our fireplace is registered with the Ministry of Magic and is regularly maintained. Our portkey is legal and completely safe for use.
The cost of advertising anything in this magazine is one Knut per advertisement.
With that, we would like to take leave for this month, albeit with a very heavy heart. Please wait for us until July 31, for we will certainly be around, even though our magazine will be taking on a new avatar. As they say, change is the only constant. But we disagree. The other constant is our love for bringing you only the best through this magazine.
Thank you for reading the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine February 2024 Valentine's Special Issue, our final monthly issue. Please read our "A Note of Thanks" to you.
- Hiya Debnath, on behalf of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team.