The Hogwarts Daily - 3rd February, 2024
Hi readers! I think it is getting warmer... right? At least where I am from, it's pretty nice. And, today, with Elizabeth Wonders bringing it to you, there's something in Special Saturday just for you to warm up!
Last Updated
The Hogwarts Daily - 3rd February, 2024
Chapter 1
The Hogwarts Daily
Hi readers! I think it is getting warmer... right? At least where I am from, it's pretty nice. And, today, with Elizabeth Wonders bringing it to you, there's something in Special Saturday just for you to warm up!
News of the day
It sure is chilly! Have a Coat-A-Cot! This new coat-and-sofa-combined warm thing was just invented yesterday by Golife Fiend. It is a magic warmer which you can put on your sofa and sit on - then get warm instantly! Go to your nearest Furnitures for Warlocks to purchase one.
Many have reported to be short on Galleons these days. Current Minister of Magic, Hermione Granger, says, "We are working out a solution to solve your problems." and refuses to answer any other questions. People are raising suspicion and most say that the Ministry has no actual solution.
Special Question of the day
Hi! Is it still cold or already getting warmer at your place? Answer the question by owling Elizabeth Wonders!
Answer(s) to yesterday's Special Question
Special Saturday
What was that about reputations? That you have to have a good one no matter the quality? Remember: the quality, caringness and time you put into your project of any kind is the most important. But some people ignore that.
If you find yourself caring a lot about the reputation of something, tell yourself it's what INSIDE that is different.
I think everyone knows the tale of the Ugly Giant? If not, it goes like this:
Far, far away, in a forest lived the Ugly Giant. He was an ugly giant, yes, but his heart was kind. Still, no one knew about his good heart. Everyone thought the Ugly Giant had a heart as ugly as his face.
One day, a couple of boys gathered around in the forest playing a game of gobstones. Whoever lost would have to be pushed down a tree, exactly at midnight, into the Ugly Giant's nest aka home.
Naturally, the boys were all very confident of themselves or they wouldn't have agreed to this particular bet. However, they all knew: someone was bound to lose.
After a furious game of gobstones, a boy named Agathy was declared lost. They all climbed up a tree at midnight, forcing Agathy up with them, and made him jump off the tree.
Had not the Ugly Giant awoke at the laughter of the boys, Agathy would have died, for it was a very tall tree. The mighty giant caught falling boy with his hands just before Agathy hit the ground. All the other boys, staring down, were amazed. They thought the he would eat Agatha, instead, they learnt that the Ugly Giant had a good heart.
And that story tells us, it doesn't matter what your reputation is, what you are known for, it's yourself, your true self behind the scenes that matters and you should be proud of.
No matter what project you are on, this is always true: the reputation does not matter. It is the caring heart that matters.
Special note to mention a team on HiH that, unfortunately, cannot be saved. Though I really wish it could be.
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