Hogwarts Monthly Magazine December 2023 Christmas Special Issue
The festive season is still on, and memories of the Yule Ball still haunt us. But we also have our eyes on a very special gift - a brand new year full of surprises, anticipations, and goals. Moving on is a very important skill to master; embracing new beginnings and leaving the past behind is essential to keeping the cycle of life going. On that note, let's step into the New Year, 2024, with a fresh, new perspective, a calm mind, and a cheery heart. Happy New Year!
Last Updated
Breaking News at Hogwarts - I See the Numbers, 2-0-2-4; Are You Choking on the Air?
Chapter 3
I See the Numbers, 2-0-2-4.
Let's start off 2024 on a good note. Arithmancy classes have begun at Hogwarts. Be sure that you will get the opportunity to play with and learn interesting facts about numbers. If you are a bit like Hermione Granger, I bet you dreamed of taking Arithmancy as an elective. So, gear up and rush to class. It is a part of the Sixth-Year curriculum at Hogwarts.
Are You Choking on the Air?
Is the festive air choking you? I think it's not. That feeling of being strangulated that you get when you see your crush could very well be a small concentration of Garroting Gas. Unfortunately, I am not going to tell you anything because the Potions Professor begins off the Sixth-Year classes with a most interesting lesson on Garroting Gas. If you are a Sixth-Year student at Hogwarts, here's your cue to rush to the Potions dungeons. Don't miss the usual safety precautions, though, or else the talented Professor Draekon won't be pleased.
- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.