The Anamagi Revolts 250Bc- 1980
A tell-tale story of the Great Animagi Revolts, why they started, how they were resolved and how Wizard-kind stopped them
Last Updated
The Treaty Broken
Chapter 5
In 1956, Leader Eyatun Jokantute, broke the Peace Treaty signed the previous year. The Koanian Republic began to recruit Animagis from different clans, the well-known ones Weas Clan, Eafetuy Clan and the Yosutumatiti Clan. The Weas gave the Koa wands, from the Wizard soldiers they had captured. The Eafetuy, gave them small, hard and compact camoflaugers that rendered the user invisible to the soldier. Then, in 1960, Eyatun's, Sherpatute's, ( the Weas's leader) Quaterwafatute's ( The Eafeuty's leader) and Qarfarguatercafezax's ( The Yosutumatiti's Leader) troops invaded Austria's Ministry of Magic. Austria only has about 1,000 troops, the Clans' Republic( The new name) has 100,000 troops. In Late March, after a extremely bloody battle, Austria surrendered to the Clans.
Thanks for reading! The next chapter will come soon and it will be longer, I promise.
Thanks, guys!