The Anamagi Revolts 250Bc- 1980
written by Maggie Potter
A tell-tale story of the Great Animagi Revolts, why they started, how they were resolved and how Wizard-kind stopped them
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The Animagi People
Chapter 2
The Animagi People were a very diverse people. Known for their abilities to disappear into the landscape and shapeshift without the need of Polyjuse Potion or a wand.
They were known as the Koa. The Koa were a nomadic people, living within their clans of about 100 to 200 people. The most well known are Kultyhan, or 'people who live near water'. They were all wiped out by the Spanish who believed that these people were pagans that needed converting and never wanted to.
The Kultyhan were famous for their leader, Kunistan, who led the Massacre of Arrows. It was his ingenious idea to instead rain down hundreds of arrows instead of fighting wand-to-hand, in which losing would have stung.
The Animagi People have probably been here longer than wizards have. Cave paintings from Goberfras (Another villiage-like clan) tell that when the ice age began and men were absolute savages, The Animagi became one big traveling tribe and developed language, early technology and mathematics. Muggles, believing that the Greeks, Mayans or Egyptians were the back of these, gave them credit.
They were known as the Koa. The Koa were a nomadic people, living within their clans of about 100 to 200 people. The most well known are Kultyhan, or 'people who live near water'. They were all wiped out by the Spanish who believed that these people were pagans that needed converting and never wanted to.
The Kultyhan were famous for their leader, Kunistan, who led the Massacre of Arrows. It was his ingenious idea to instead rain down hundreds of arrows instead of fighting wand-to-hand, in which losing would have stung.
The Animagi People have probably been here longer than wizards have. Cave paintings from Goberfras (Another villiage-like clan) tell that when the ice age began and men were absolute savages, The Animagi became one big traveling tribe and developed language, early technology and mathematics. Muggles, believing that the Greeks, Mayans or Egyptians were the back of these, gave them credit.