Hogwarts Monthly Magazine November 2023 Pre-Christmas Special Issue
Autumn is slipping through our fingers. But Christmas is coming. Are you excited? We are. Do not be gloomy; we will all miss autumn, but let's learn to let go and prepare for the cold and snowy Christmas season. Let twenty Knuts slip between your hands and pick up this issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine to warm your spirits throughout the chilly pre-Christmas month of November.
Last Updated
Lily Reporting from The Newsroom at Hogwarts
Chapter 6
Most students enjoy reading the juicy stories and valuable information posted in the Newsroom at Hogwarts. Here's what we saw on our last visit to the Newsroom.
This month, the Newsroom had no new content.
However, all the pieces from the previous month remained throughout the entirety of this month.
Headmistress Oshiro's informative article, "What Does it Take to Be an HiH Professor?" was seen adorning the Newsroom, with beneficial details on Professorship and Professor Assisting at Hogwarts. On reading the piece, no open Hogwarts' Professor Applications were seen. However, Professor Assistant Applications for the subjects of Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Flying, Herbology, and Muggle Studies were visible throughout the month. From what we gathered, the minimum requirement to fill in the post of Professor Assistant or PA is finishing Year One of the subject with a minimum 90% grade as your final average. So, if you’re interested in giving back to your beloved Hogwarts by volunteering as a PA or applying as a Professor, keep checking back on this section to stay posted about the latest available applications.
The previous articles written by Keith D. Cardin, founder and co-creator of "Hogwarts is Here", remained throughout the month and still continue to furnish the Newsroom. So, if you haven't already, be sure to check out the write-ups “Taylor Swift: The Ultimate Hogwarts Hatstall” and “Do Squibs have 'some' magic?” , for some tantalising entertainment and heartwarming content.
With that fascinating content having brightened our day, we leave the Newsroom and trace our steps towards the Great Hall while planning to walk into the meeting place for Professor Plumb's monthly House Point Competition to awaken a competitive spirit.
- Lily Dumbledore, Journalist, Proof-reader, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.