Hogwarts Monthly Magazine November 2023 Pre-Christmas Special Issue
Autumn is slipping through our fingers. But Christmas is coming. Are you excited? We are. Do not be gloomy; we will all miss autumn, but let's learn to let go and prepare for the cold and snowy Christmas season. Let twenty Knuts slip between your hands and pick up this issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine to warm your spirits throughout the chilly pre-Christmas month of November.
Last Updated
From our Team
Chapter 22
Hello Students, Staff, and Spirits,
We hope you enjoyed the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine November 2023 Pre-Christmas Special Issue as you beat the chills under the blanket with a mug of warm and smoky, sweet-smelling coffee.
Here are the members of our Editorial and Publishing Team who found joy in bringing you this issue of our magazine: -
Journalists - Hiya Debnath (2nd year Gryffindor witch), Celestia Carrow (1st year Hufflepuff witch), Jace Rhodes (1st year Slytherin wizard), Lily Dumbledore (1st year Ravenclaw witch), Aubrey Rosier (1st year Slytherin witch), Isadore Oakwood (1st year Ravenclaw wizard), Daisy Delacour (1st year Slytherin witch), Jane Potter (1st year Gryffindor witch), Olivia Winter (1st year Slytherin witch), Raven Greengrass (1st year Ravenclaw witch), and Winter Eclipse (1st year Hufflepuff witch).
Editors - Hiya Debnath, Olivia Winter, Isadore Oakwood, and Jace Rhodes.
Proof-readers - Lily Dumbledore, Olivia Winter, Daisy Delacour, and Winter Eclipse.
Compiler and Publisher - Hiya Debnath.
Publishing Secretary - Daisy Delacour.
Cover Designer and Illustrator - Celestia Carrow.
Marketer - Hiya Debnath.
Sales Manager - Jace Rhodes.
Our magical time together while creating this magazine was full of love and warmth, dedication, and passion towards bringing only the best to our readers.
We would love to welcome more people to help create and beautify the future issues of our magazine. Should you like to join us in manufacturing this magazine and spreading scoops, tidbits, joy, and entertainment among the inhabitants of Hogwarts Castle, we would be more than glad to welcome you on our team. Please visit us in "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" and let us know, or owl either Daisy Delacour or Hiya Debnath, so that we can get in touch. We would also like to request that our valuable and much loved readers drop by "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" to cheer us up so that we can engage in conversation about anything under the sun or receive your feedback on our magazine while you sip our best-brewed warm coffee. Any feedback left by our valuable readers is of the utmost importance to us.
Our office is situated among the "Groups & Clubs" of Hogwarts, and you can reach it via the Floo Network by saying "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" out loud and clear. However, if you would rather travel by portkey, we have left one below with love for you: -
One of us will certainly be present in our office to welcome you as soon as you arrive. There is no Fidelius Charm on our little, comfortable location, and our doors are always left wide open for you to enter.
The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is published on the last day of every month with the latest, juiciest details and also some fun and entertainment. In the pages of this magazine every month, there is a riddle to solve that gives you an opportunity to earn five Knuts, a free advertising opportunity, and a special mention of your name in the next issue; a section on the important celestial events of the month with a glimpse into the same for the next month; a special topic; general news; and more.
The cost of advertising anything in this magazine is one Knut per advertisement.
With that, we would like to sign off for this month. We look forward to your continued support as our beloved readers while we wait to present you with our next issue on the last day of December. Until then, have a great winter month, and here's hoping that all of you enjoy the snowball fights and have a very Merry Christmas.
Thank you for reading our magazine. Please read our "A Note of Thanks" to you.
- The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team.