Hogwarts Monthly Magazine November 2023 Pre-Christmas Special Issue
Autumn is slipping through our fingers. But Christmas is coming. Are you excited? We are. Do not be gloomy; we will all miss autumn, but let's learn to let go and prepare for the cold and snowy Christmas season. Let twenty Knuts slip between your hands and pick up this issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine to warm your spirits throughout the chilly pre-Christmas month of November.
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Hello Students, Staff, and Spirits
Chapter 1
Hello Students, Staff, and Spirits,
While the ruthless cold has not completely chilled our bones yet, and we are anticipating the reindeer, Christmas trees, baubles, Wizard Crackers, and, of course, the Christmas dinner at Hogwarts on Christmas Eve with bated breath, the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is back to make it easier for you to bide your time until then and prepare for the Christmas season. Here comes the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine November 2023 Pre-Christmas Special Issue. The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team certainly hopes that this issue brings warmth to your chilly winter days and gets you in the mood for merry-making.
The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine was founded by a 2nd year Gryffindor witch at Hogwarts, Hiya Debnath, in lieu of facilitating the easy spread of information, news, and entertainment at Hogwarts. This magazine is also for time-pass purposes and fun, so enjoy it.
For some pre-Christmas magic, the cost of this magazine is only twenty Knuts, cheaper than a Wizard Cracker.
A new flower blossomed on the branches of our magazine this month as the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing team welcomed Lily Dumbledore, 1st year Ravenclaw witch, niece of famous former headmaster Albus Dumbledore, and daughter of Aberforth Dumbledore, as a new proof-reader and journalist. With elf-ish joy and happiness, we also announce that Aubrey Rosier, a 1st year Slytherin witch, was welcomed onboard as yet another journalist to brighten the pages of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine. To gift our magazine more strength, Isadore Oakwood, a 1st year Ravenclaw wizard, also joined our team this month to help row the boat as an editor and a journalist. Neither average nor plain Jane Potter, 1st year Gryffindor witch, joined us as yet another journalist to contribute her best to the magazine. To add peace and greenery to our winter, we also welcomed Olivia Winter, a 1st year Slytherin witch, to become part of our Editorial and Publishing Team as an editor, proof-reader, and journalist. Just as intensely as the ravenous cravings for a picnic on the green grass during winter, we keenly welcomed Raven Greengrass, a 1st year Ravenclaw witch, to satiate our team with her skills as an editor and journalist. To soften the magical blow this winter, Winter Eclipse, a 1st year Hufflepuff witch, also joined us this month as a proof-reader and journalist. Yet another flower bloomed in our office this month with Daisy Delacour, a 1st year Slytherin witch, the daughter of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour, joining us as the Publishing Secretary, a proof-reader, and a journalist to imbue the pages of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine with her fragrance.
The cover of this magazine was expertly designed by Celestia Carrow, Cover Designer and Illustrator, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.
Important pieces to watch out for in this issue: -
- Introduction of Arithmancy at Hogwarts and the joining of a new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor in 'Breaking News at Hogwarts'.
- Quidditch, the Muggle cricket World Cup, and the "Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour" movie in 'IQA vs. ICC World Cup' and ' "We gather here, we line up" '.
- Aurora spotted for the first time near the Sun, and warnings of a solar storm issued by NASA in 'Cosmic Communiques by Hiya'.
- Interviews of Hogwarts students regarding what they would like to see at Hogwarts or HiH in 'Reaching out to Hogwarts Students and Listening to Them'.
- Mystery stories related to the use of magic in 'Magical Mysteries from the Super-Secret Files of Isadore Oakwood'.
- An interview with Celestina Warbeck in '🎵 Accio Christmas - By Daisy Delacour '.
- "The Forbidden Forest" Recipe in 'Hiya's Recipe to Bring "The Forbidden Forest" to Your Plate for Your Winter Months and Your Grandest Christmas Dinner '.
- Playing with letters, symbols, and numbers in 'Jace's Joint Puzzles to Fuzzle Your Mind'.
- "MBTI and Hogwarts Subjects" in 'This Month's Special Topic by Hiya'.
- All about mistletoe in 'This Month's Pre-Christmas Special Topic by Hiya'.
- A café, a salon, a competition, a dueling practice arena, and an opportunity to go on real adventurous quests in 'Fun Things to Do at Hogwarts to Make the Most of Your Vacations'.
- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Compiler, Publisher, Editor, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.