My Decision
Jessica Smith was a witch. This is one of the few things that she was one hundred percent sure about. Now this has been taken from her as well. Turns out as well as being a witch she’s also a half-blood, a daughter of Zeus. She can also control all four elements. And on top of all of this she is also an Egyptian magician that hosts Nut. The mother of Egyptian gods and the goddess of the sky. Then she finds herself closer to the enemy than her friends. She can either use this to her and her friend’s advantage or she can just continue on with her life. Then she tells her friends and now everything has changed. Nobody wants her around, fearing she would betray them as soon as she got the chance. Now she has a choice. Help her friends or turn her back on them. Oh and on top of all this she can only choose one thing. She has to choose to be either a witch, a half-blood, or an Egyptian magician by her eighteenth birthday. If she doesn’t then she dies.
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Chapter 7: Quidditch Team? Nope.
Chapter 8
As I opened my eyes, I saw Blaise, one of the nicer Slytherins, sitting in the chair beside my bed. "What is wrong with you, Weasley? You lost Slytherin twenty points." "But, doesn't that mean that Harry also lost twenty points?" "Nope. He got seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team." His voice was bitter. "That's not fair!" "Talk to McGonagoll." "Whatever. Can I go, now?" "Yes." I ran out of the Hospital Wing to McGonagoll's classroom. "Excuse me? Why did Harry get a spot on the Gryffindor team and all I got was negative twenty points for doing the same thing?!" "I'm sorry, dear." "You so favor Gryffindor, don't you?" "I'm sorry, what?" "You do, don't you. It doesn't matter if I'm good or not. It only matters if I'm in Gryffindor or Slytherin." I guessed. "No, that's not true!" "Sure. Just, please, give me back the house points and please! Give me a spot on the Slytherin Quidditch team!" "Fine." She sighed heavily.
"Yes! What spot?" "Seeker." "Hooray!" "Yeah, okay. Get out of my office, now." "Okay! Bye!" I happily pranced out of her office and slammed into Harry and Ron. "Hello!" "What's making you so happy?" Ron asked. "I'm seeker for the Slytherin team!" "Awesome!" Harry said. "So am I!" "I wonder how we'll get our broomsticks."
"Oh, yeah. I never thought about that." Harry said. "I know. That's why I'm so much awesomer than you." "'Awesomer' is not a word, genius." "It is in my world. And yes, I'm so totally a genius."