A Complete Guide to the Wizarding World
This textbook, written by Avendium Acheron, Phellus Plegethon, Luna Lethe, Cirus Coctyus, and Seripha Styx, is an amalgamation of topics from the Wizarding world. Some Muggle topics are also included, but Muggles are not the primary topic of a Wizarding textbook. Please use this textbook responsibly. Being a Complete guide to the Wizarding World also means that it contains both Legal, ministry-approved topics, and illegal topics, so the use or intended use of information marked with “URI” (Unaproved / Restricted Information) may result in a punishment from a simple fine and up to a life sentence at Azkaban. Avendium has also included a number of Charms and enchantments attached to the pages of this book, allowing for a greater educational experience.
Last Updated
Other Cores (C, D)
Chapter 8
Centaur Tail Hairs
Wands with a core of centaur tail hairs are exceptional for the practice of Divination, Astronomy, and Astronomy Divination (predicting the future through stars and planetary bodies). Ravenclaws will find these wands to be very effective for their purposes. These wands have a moderate casting speed but are capable of producing very powerful spells, much like the centaurs from whom they originate. While these wands have a preference for peace and are not overly eager to engage in battle, they are highly skilled warriors and excel at observing and analyzing situations before taking action.
Cherub Hair
Wands with a core made from cherub hair are the possession of romantic witches and wizards. These wands were once believed to be more feminine, but this misconception has since been debunked. On average, this core belongs to male wizards more often. Wands with cherub hair enhance Divination and healing along with granting major boosts to Glamour Charms.
Chimera Scale Fragments
Wands with a chimaera scale fragment core are uncommon due to the scarcity of chimaera, not because of the danger of obtaining their components. There have been more known kills of basilisks in the previous fifty years than there have been chimaera slayings in all recorded history. The most recent slaying of a chimaera was in Greece almost two thousand years ago, meaning that the scales that were harvested are degraded, fragmented, or scattered throughout the world. As a result, wands with these cores are often considered heirloom wands, with their cores being comprised not of the full scale but a fragment of it fused with a more common core such as the heartstring of a dragon. The power of these wands contributes to their desirability, making them capable of performing various types of magic, although powerful spells are typically more challenging to master. However, the difficulty in controlling this wand's power can be a serious deterrent for potential wielders. A majority of wands with this core are found in southern Europe, specifically in Greece and the Balkan region, though they are also spotted throughout the continent.
Chinese Fireball Horn
Chinese Fireball Horn cores are relatively easier to obtain but are not commonly used in wand crafting. These wands are usually constructed in China. The Chinese Fireball Horn wand is adaptable and will function adequately if applied to academics or other extracurricular activities. Users of this wand often become skilled in the art of potion-making or divination.
Chizpurfle Chitin
Chizpurfle chitin is extremely difficult to work with, due to its durability. When Chizpurfle chitin is made into a core, however, it creates a magical vampiric effect. These wands, through protection charms, can absorb the magic of spells and then use the magic in a spell of their own. When these wands are balanced, they will point to the strongest magical source nearby, like a compass. Owners of this wand become talented in Potion-making and Protection charms.
Coral is rarely used as a wand core due to the difficulty in finding magical specimens and then again in being able to harvest them. These cores are sensitive to change, so they usually pair with one owner for life and weaken after each owner. These wands, like the tough Coral they are from, have a speciality in protection. They also have a talent for Water-Based charms.
Curupira Hair
Curupira hair wands were unstable. They were known to choose as their owners individuals who were talented, but also unpredictable. These wands could utilise weak or strong magic, completely at random.
*Dementor Cloth
The Dementor’s cloth is one of the hardest materials to obtain, belonging to one of the most deadly creatures. Wands with a Dementor cloth core are some of the darkest wands. They can use magic that affects the soul to a greater degree. Any ice-based charms are also amplified and so are Dark Arts. Wands of this core are unable to use the Patronus charm, but Dementors will recognize the status of a wizard or witch with a Dementor Cloth core.
Demiguise Hair
Hairs from the demiguise were initially believed to possess insufficient vitality to enable a satisfactory wand. Nevertheless, the realization that multiple cores could contribute to a wand's potency significantly improved their reputation, especially because they impart a strong aptitude for Transfiguration and the subtle arts. Notably, these wands can only be used effectively in this fashion if only one demiguise hair is utilized. Hufflepuffs acquire this wand only marginally less than the other three houses due to its unusual affinity for Transfiguration, despite its general prevalence.
*Diricawl Tail Feather
Diricawl cores are extremely rare since it is hard to pluck a feather from a teleporting Diricawl. Owners of these wands can apparate and disappear at will, with a much-decreased risk of Splinching. Once a wand with such a core is no longer happy with its owner, it will dissaparate and apparate into the wand store it was from.
Dittany Stalk
Dittany, a magical plant well-known for its medicinal properties and ability to restore health, can also serve as a wand core. Its capability to power both healing spells and curses is reflected in the dual nature of the magic-user it chooses, with the true character of these witches and wizards frequently contradicting their outward appearance. These owners of dittany wands likewise display a natural aptitude for the art of potion-making.
Doxy Wings
The Doxies, a creature distinguished for their unmanageable and disagreeable attributes, generate wands with similar traits. These wands are second only to basilisk wands in their capacity to channel the Dark Arts, and the ability to cast potent Hexes is a lesser-known fact. Wands with doxy hair or wings are typically found in Slytherin families that lack access to a basilisk wand. Much like basilisk wands, those with Doxies' components can be powerful, prestigious, and unpredictable.