A Complete Guide to the Wizarding World
This textbook, written by Avendium Acheron, Phellus Plegethon, Luna Lethe, Cirus Coctyus, and Seripha Styx, is an amalgamation of topics from the Wizarding world. Some Muggle topics are also included, but Muggles are not the primary topic of a Wizarding textbook. Please use this textbook responsibly. Being a Complete guide to the Wizarding World also means that it contains both Legal, ministry-approved topics, and illegal topics, so the use or intended use of information marked with “URI” (Unaproved / Restricted Information) may result in a punishment from a simple fine and up to a life sentence at Azkaban. Avendium has also included a number of Charms and enchantments attached to the pages of this book, allowing for a greater educational experience.
Last Updated
Other Cores (V, W)
Chapter 16
Vampire Fang
Vampire Fang wands are regarded as one of the most potent and versatile heirloom cores. They can easily switch their allegiance between dark and light magic, making them suitable for a variety of users, such as dark wizards or light wizards. These wands are also fantastic with Charms and Divinations, and their precision and versatility make them excellent stirrers in the brewing of potions. One of the most fascinating aspects of these wands is their ability to bond well with both vampires and vampire slayers, highlighting their adaptive nature. When used correctly, a Vampire Fang wand is a formidable weapon that can aid its wielder in times of need, making it a highly sought-after heirloom core.
Veela Hair
Veela Hair is a highly sought-after and unique wand core component. It is known for its potency in spells that rely on seduction or charm, such as Charms, Hexes, and Jinxes. Its exotic properties can give wands a certain allure and charm that can greatly benefit these types of spells. Although it can be stubborn at first, over time and with practice, a witch or wizard can find it easier to work out spells to their liking. However, the power of this wand core requires exceptional mastery and discipline to handle. It has a tendency to be temperamental, making it a challenge to master. Nonetheless, with the right training and the proper amount of patience, a Veela Hair wand core can be one of the most desired wand cores for skilled individuals and is a favourite choice among Ravenclaw Witches and Wizards.
Wampus Cat Hair
The Cherokee people's Wampus Cat Hair is considered a sacred wand core. These wands are highly sought after for their ability to enhance spells involving Charms. They are typically suited for those skilled in magic, particularly those with extraordinary agility and quick thinking. Wampus Cat Hair wands tend to bond with witches or wizards who possess a quick mind or nimble physique, making them highly effective in battles or when the need for quick action arises. These wand cores are said to possess a sacred power that only the most talented can master. It requires dedication and patience to form a bond with the Wampus Cat Hair wand, but the rewards far exceed the challenges.
Werewolf Parts
Werewolf parts are rare components for wand-making and are primarily obtained from dead or captured werewolves. These wands have a tremendous bond with their owners, who are typically either born or become werewolves themselves. Nonetheless, non-werewolves can also wield these wands effectively, though they require a strong sense of courage, loyalty, and resilience. Werewolf wand cores are known for their unwavering loyalty and strong defensive capabilities, making them highly versatile in a variety of situations, particularly outdoors and in combat. Werewolf wands excel in Charms, Divination, and Transfiguration and can even enhance the user's natural abilities. Werewolf parts require special handling and care during the wand-making process, as their raw power can be unpredictable and dangerous. However, in the right hands, these wands can become a powerful and valuable tool for witches and wizards looking to protect themselves and those they care about in both the magical and mundane world.
White River Monster Spine
The White River Monster Spine wand core is a rare component for wand-making and is highly sought after for its raw power and elegant look. It requires specialized tools and the knowledge of an experienced wandmaker to craft. This core is known to produce spells with an exceptional amount of ease and force, giving its user an appearance of effortless elegance. Witches and Wizards who desire precise wand movement when channelling their magic will benefit greatly from wielding a White River Monster Spine wand, as it enhances their ability to produce spells that require exceptional control and focus. These wands are highly coveted, and due to their rarity, are often used by powerful witches or wizards seeking to enhance their already exceptional abilities. Nonetheless, this core requires intense training and dedication, as it is not suitable for a beginner's wand. It requires a considerable amount of time and effort to fully master its power. The challenge is worth it, though, as the White River Monster Spine wand's potential is immense and rewarding for those who can master it.