short scary stories
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the short story :the whispers
Chapter 1
There once was a girl named Sarah, she had a hard time sleeping
Because of what she heard every night the whispers of children
Telling her “Don’t let him get you like he got us”. She told her parents but they thought she was making it up. She kept hearing that message every night. then it changed. On this night they said “Hide he’s coming” She hid in her closet, she heard footsteps come into her room and stop in front of her closet. She was sure she would be found, then a sound came from the living room, the footsteps quickly rushed to the living room, then she heard a thud then dragging, that was the last thing she heard before she past out, she awoke in the morning when she got out of the closet she noticed words on the wall it read” I may not have gotten you but I will” it was written in cold, fresh blood.