The Hogwarts Entertainment Magazine: Issue #7
A Magazine Suitable for all students; this fortnightly school newspaper contains all the best ways to entertain Hogwarts Students, from tempting recipes to amusing columns, there's something for everyone! This issue features an interesting article on the information on american magic recently released on pottermore, a different kind of introduction and even more!
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Mens Wizarding World Fashion
Chapter 26
-Mens Wizarding World Fashion-
New Spring Fashions:
Following on from similar styles of the late winter season, spring styles for men stay on the theme of a ‘prince-charming’ look but has updated to include new, fresher colours and simple designs. They are also more normal and more vague so followers of the fashion can also do their own take on the fashion.
The designs, though going back to the styles of later-centuries to do a reply of former fashions for the fashion-booming year of 2016, are also very comfortably-made and suitable for the spring activities that are coming on as warmth begins to return.
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Shaving Charm:
Ever slipped your hand with those pesky razors and given up with the method? Don’t want to use a Muggle contraption? Well this charm is for you! Shaving certainly gets annoying, especially when you have to use razors and shaving foam, often producing bad results and hurting yourself. However, an old charm from the nineteenth century has been unearthed and improved, now presented as a perfect solution for shaving manually. Simply cast it correctly (no willpower required, just a little concentration and focus) and the razor will begin to shave (though make sure to spread shaving foam first) your face perfectly. By alternating levels of focus, you can make it faster or slower. There are no hazards (the spell has been safety-proofed) and it is not possible for the razor to cut your skin and will shave your face perfectly. Of course, if you need to trim specifically this won’t really work, but for those simply requiring a quick, clean, cut, the spell is perfect!
Incantation for Shaving Charm: Radet Faciem(RAAD-det Fay-SEE-emm)
Wand Movement: Spin your wand in one quick twirl and end it by tapping the razor. The razor should then be guided to touch your face and it will begin