The Hogwarts Entertainment Magazine: Issue #7
A Magazine Suitable for all students; this fortnightly school newspaper contains all the best ways to entertain Hogwarts Students, from tempting recipes to amusing columns, there's something for everyone! This issue features an interesting article on the information on american magic recently released on pottermore, a different kind of introduction and even more!
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Script - News
Chapter 12
-Script - News-
Ok, so, for each issue so far I have been doing a second generation script for the descendants of our favorite harry potter characters whilst they attend Hogwarts for the first time. However, though I have it planned out, I have to reconsider it and I do have my eyes on another scripting project that you will hopefully enjoy viewing.
I am much better at writing playscripts as I understand the technics and it has long been my dream to adapt a favorite book into a play. And, for the next ten issues or so, until it is done, that is what I am going to do. And I hope you guys, the readers, will be on board for reading the playscript for a brilliant book you most likely won’t have read.
The book I wish to adapt is called ‘The Dragonfly Pool’ and is by an Author called Eva Ibbotson. It tells of the adventures of a group of school children in the second world war who belong to a very bohemian-like school in England and end up getting involved in rescuing a foreign prince who is being threatened by the Nazis. However, it has three major parts and not all is centered around the basic plot I just explained in a few words. It is a book that can be enjoyed by teens, adults and children alike, though, telling of the friendships of children and providing a comedic, dramatic and gripping storyline.
It is going to be a big challenge for me to adapt it to stage, and I hope you can all be patient with me and will enjoy reading the scripts as they come. There’ll always be at least one scene per issue but my aim is three, as it is different with plays. I’m also going to do specials for costume and set design and there will be character discussion after a little time.
So, I hope you will bear with me as I start a new project! The second generation scripts will return when I am done with this, don’t worry. I just wanted to do this because I read the book again (it is one of those you can read again and again) and also because I love plays and wanted to adapt one of my own, even if the storyline isn’t mine.
Anyway, I’ll stop rambling and leave you there – I hope you are interested in reading the playscript as it comes! Read the book – it’s awesome and makes such a gripping but fun read and can be found in most libraries and costs only a few pounds in British currency so not much in others.