Things To Know For Second Year Students At Hogwarts
This book is a second year counterpart of the "Things To Know For First Year Students" book by me in the current Hogwarts Library.
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Chapter 6
You are yet too young to seriously consider a career after Hogwarts already, but you can start to grasp a better idea of the wizarding world outside Hogwarts and make your preliminary plans accordingly. You can start to see what appeals to you and consider what you would like to be in future. Though you need not have a fixed aim yet, you need to start exploring your options and weighing their pros and cons. For a simple example, if you are taking Divination as an elective in your second year at Hogwarts, you can start to try to determine if you want to consider a career as a diviner or seer in future. Similarly, if you are taking Care of Magical Creatures, you can try to consider if you would like to be a magizoologist in future or work in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures in the Ministry of Magic, if you are taking Alchemy, you can try to consider if you would want to be an alchemist in future, if you are taking Ancient Runes, you can try to speculate what life would be like as a Gringotts curse-breaker or an Ancient Runes Professor or a rune translator or as an official in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic, and if you are playing Quidditch and playing it well, you can try to consider if you would like to be a Quidditch player in future. You can also think out of the box and start to consider a career as a broomstick maker or creator and founder of a racing broom manufacturing company. After taking the Charms lessons in your second year at Hogwarts, you can apply the knowledge of enchanting objects and the related aspects taught in the lessons to consider a career as a magical object inventor or magical object manufacturer or magical object trader or as an official in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office or the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad in the Ministry of Magic. After taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons in your second year at Hogwarts, you can start to consider if dueling is your thing and if you would like to be a hit wizard or an Auror in future. Similarly, after taking the Potions and Herbology lessons, you can start to consider if you would like to be a healer or potions ingredient supplier or an herbologist. After taking the Astronomy lessons in your second year at Hogwarts, by the end of your second year at Hogwarts you should have a fair idea of whether you want to be a magical astronomer. After taking the History of Magic and Ancient Runes lessons in your second year at Hogwarts, you can start to consider if you would like to be a magihistorian or a runologist. You can also start to consider if you would like careers like being a shopkeeper, an author or book writer, a publisher or an editor of books or newspapers, a magical world journalist, or working in a newspaper or magazine office. You can also start creating and issuing and publishing magazines and newspapers or books or novels of your own to the students and staff at Hogwarts through the current Hogwarts Library to get a general idea of how successful your trade in such a field will possibly be, in your future. You can also consider excelling in each and every subject and being a Minister for Magic, or becoming an official in the or Chief of the Wizengamot. You can also consider a future career as a Hogwarts Professor. Remember that whatever career ideas you brew up or consider in your second year at Hogwarts after taking the different lessons in the different classes in your second year at Hogwarts do not make an exhaustive list of career options in your future after Hogwarts as you will get to learn about many more possible future career options in the wizarding world such as magical artist or magical mythologist or Ancient Studies Professor as you advance through your years at Hogwarts. But, you should start to think of it as a general overview of career options possible for you, that you want to consider for your future career in the wizarding world after Hogwarts.