Hogwarts Monthly Magazine September 2023 Issue
Monthly news, snippets of information, fun and entertainment and more. September 2023.
Last Updated
From the Compiler, Editor, and Publisher's Desk
Chapter 9
Hello students, staff and spirits, I am Hiya Debnath, a second year Gryffindor witch at Hogwarts, and I founded this magazine to bring all the important news of events in and around Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to the inhabitants of Hogwarts castle and grounds. This is a monthly magazine and it will be published every month with the latest and juiciest details and also some fun and entertainment. There will be a special topic every month in this magazine, and there will also be an opportunity every month to earn five knuts and a special mention of your name in the next issue of this magazine and free advertising opportunity in this magazine through the Ravenclaw Common Room Door-Knocker Riddles. That is all for now, thankyou for reading. Happy reading and join in the fun.
On another note, the cost of advertising anything in this magazine is one knut per advertisement.
For now, the compiling, editing, publishing for this magazine is done solely by me. However, of course, this magazine aims to expand it's scope and it's tedious to publish it all alone, therefore I am looking for more people to take up the jobs of being journalists, compilers, editors, proof-readers, publishers and marketers for this magazine. If you would like to contribute to this magazine by working with me, for any of the above jobs, kindly apply by reaching out to the "Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Office" , by simply searching for the group of the name "Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" at Hogwarts, or for an easy way to reach the office, just go here: -https://www.hogwartsishere.com/groups/73923/
A very small update- If you find that the above method is not working (there may be a possible bug that is preventing it from working), kindly search for the group "Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" at Hogwarts.
The cover photo of this magazine was designed by me using help from the magical picture creators Gencraft.